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how long did it take you to make a person your habit? it will take longer than that to give up. memory is too good sometimes is not a good thing, not only the pain, but also more sad memories.


i wish i was just a child, smile when i give a candy, and cry when i fall down. don't pretend to be totally different, don't suppress your mood, smile and say it doesn't matter, but the more happy you laugh, the more painful you feel.


the cold wind is biting. who can understand this feeling. be blocked in the memory of their own, when can be freed. hate to be hurt after their own, time after time, the injury makes people decadent to the point of nowhere to go back.


once naive thought, with sincere to anyone, you can get real friendship, real love. later, i met some people and experienced some things before i knew that everything was just what i thought.


i can't remember when i used to call you. i just want to hear your yingyu. countless times of expectation, accompanied by countless times of disappointment, but still do not want to give up, just because love you too deep.

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