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"Because we have been through the rain, so we want to hold an umbrella for others"



We will meet in many summer winds.


“坐在燥热教室里 望着阳光照射的书页 吹着携薄荷味的清风 飘起的帘子下掩着少年炽热的梦.”

"Sitting in a hot classroom, watching the sunlit pages blow with a minty breeze and a young boy's hot dream hidden under the curtain."



"Falling leaves are a romantic snowfall in autumn"


喜欢鲜花 喜欢浪漫的话 喜欢深情的拥抱 喜欢一切细碎的仪式感

Like flowers like romantic words like affectionate hug like all the sense of ceremony



The song in the earphones is isolated tenderness


我爱海 爱落日 爱世间的温柔浪漫 至死不渝

I love the sea and the sunset and the romance of the world till I die


自由散漫的凉风 能治愈乱糟糟的坏心情

A cool, free breeze can cure the chaos of a bad mood



God calls the heart that dances in the dark the moon.



Forever I yield to gentleness, and you are gentleness itself



Young heart is the midsummer night of the wilderness, cut not over, burn not, a long wind blowing, weeds even the day.



People's life will meet two people, an amazing time, a gentle years.

上一章 神仙歌词 仙女句子铺最新章节 下一章 水,证明我还活着