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The flower language of Xia Yan is please miss me; Missing, but feeling confused; Youth, in the mood for love. This kind of flower blooms in summer, and the color of the flower is very gorgeous. It blooms the most beautiful flower when it is the most youthful, just like people pursue the glory in life. The vitality of Corydalis decumbens is very tenacious, and it can endure the high temperature environment in summer, so it also implies tenacity and persistence. Because of its high ornamental value, it blooms in the morning and fades at night, and every time it fades, it blooms better again, just like the sun, which symbolizes beauty and eternity. The flower language of black mandala is unpredictable death and love, unbroken love and revenge, no love and no hatred in the world, a broken heart and a road of no return.

I can't let go of the old prose: don't look back, why don't you forget the original prose: the moon under the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of me is my sweetheart. I only love you. Ancient prose: There are thousands of beautiful people in the world, but you are the place of love. Original prose: I don't love you. I pass by with the spring breeze, and you take the autumn water to the Milky Way. No matter the ending, it's nice to meet you. Ancient prose:

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