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Look down and try harder. No matter what life is like, don't forget to smile. Good Night! Accustomed to going to bed late, just to wait for someone who advised me to go to bed early and say good night to me, the first youth was given by God; The second youth is to rely on your own efforts, have a good rest, continue to struggle tomorrow, have a good sleep, and have a good meal. You are close to me from behind the Milky Way, and I will sink for you together with Xinghui. Good night. Read well during the day. There are things you don't know in the book. Sleep well at night. There are things you want in your dreams. Good Night! Don't indulge in the past, don't look back. Tomorrow is another brand-new day. The past is only experience, and the future is expecting to give you a crescent moon. Say goodnight softly, and the rest of my life is too short, and it is warm to remember and remember. Worry is too long, and watch and forget. Good night and happiness are really simple: someone loves you; Have something to do; Expect something. Good Night! It doesn't matter if you can't be a strong person in the eyes of others, just be your best self. Good night secretly asked the galaxy for a handful of broken stars, just waiting for you to close your eyes and throw them into your dreams. Good night, a good life is about talking and laughing during the day and sleeping well at night. Good Night! I don't want the rest of my life to be memories, but I want to be you every day for the rest of my life. Good night. Accommodate your life during the day and take care of your soul at night. Good night to you, sleep when you are sleepy, and stay with you when you are not sleepy. Send me a message when you wake up, and I'll call you when I wake up. Although things have to be sorted first, my head is a small planet after the whole world. Every day, only you drive the moon train to cruise * ... Your efforts will be precipitated by time, and when the time is right, you will be doubly rewarded. good night

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