话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 满是人间烟火气
本书标签: 动漫同人  文案  语录 




I don't seem to have done anything strange.

“其实我也是很羡慕别的小女生收到花,收到唇膏,收到各种各样的惊喜,我嘴上说,反正我都买得起,但还是偷偷羡慕过。所以希望你啊,拜托拜托,送花给我 偷偷准备热门色号的唇膏给我,摸摸我的头 ,天冷的时候把我的手放在你的口袋里,俗气而又热烈的喜欢我。”

In fact, I also envy other girls who receive flowers, receive lipsticks, receive various kinds of surprises, and I say, anyway, I can afford to buy them, but I secretly envy them. So I hope you, please, please send me flowers and secretly prepare the lipstick for the hot colors, feel my head, put my hands in your pocket when it's cold, and love me with a vulgar and warm heart.


Look at this man. He likes me, but he makes me so sad.


The most collapse is even sad to secretly.


I'm full of darkness, but I want to show you the light.


I am a very difficult adult and a very sad child.


I don't look at the moon and I don't miss you, so the moon and you are kept in the dark.


If you can't get out in time, you have to leave slowly.


I don't dare to give anything to anyone anymore, because I'm not a child anymore. I really don't want the other party to hold my hand and turn away from me. I'm really afraid that the other party will give me hope and make me despair.


I'm so shameless, can't you love me?


You've only met a few people. Why do you have to be him?


"Sometimes I can't close the door of the refrigerator and my toe hits the leg of the table. I can't find what I want when I go out. I can't help crying. You think it's a big deal. Only I know why. "

上一章 花非花,雾非雾 满是人间烟火气最新章节 下一章 花开满城