话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > Pepperony
本书标签: 二次元  adventure  comic     

Chapter 18(1)


Tony was dialing numbers all morning, making sure his plans for tomorrow were perfect since it was his and Pepper's two year anniversary, and he was going to make it memorable. He didn't forget their first wedding anniversary, but since she was very pregnant on the day, they didn't go out and celebrate like they would have. But now, they had their chance to go out and have the entire night to themselves.

When Tony Stark planned something, it was always a big deal. He never done anything to a normal standard, it was always grand, and he wasn't going to skip any details for this occasion, although he knew Pepper wouldn't approve of the way he organized things. It was usually through money that Tony made his plans any way he wanted. If he wanted the entire building emptied for only him and Pepper, he would pay for that to be done. If he wanted to take Pepper on a cruise ship, only the two of them, it would be done, because he was Tony Stark, and one of the only things he enjoyed about the media and the public never leaving him alone was the fact that everyone knew who he was, and they wouldn't say no to him.

''Yes, four-thirty?'' Pepper glanced at the schedule on the table. ''That's fine, we'll be there.''

''Who's 'we'?'' Tony asked when Pepper sat the phone down on the bench.

''Stark Industries called a meeting for this afternoon to discuss the stocks.''

''Didn't we just do that?''

''That was a month ago, and if I recall, you only caught the last thirty minutes of the meeting.'' she looked over to him. ''It won't be for long.''

Tony mumbled something under his breath, groaning at the thought of sitting through another meeting. He rarely attended them unless Pepper made a big deal about how important they were, but he still hated going.

Pepper looked around the corner of the kitchen and into the living room, seeing Abby sitting on the floor watching morning cartoons, munching on a piece of toast and sipping her juice. It made her morning's more enjoyable to see her daughter, she didn't know how she used to get through her long days. Pepper went into the office one day a week now to fulfill her appearances, but other than that, she was here at home with Abby working via emails and other forms of communication.

''I'll be back around two-thirty.'' Pepper told him, walking over. ''You're coming to that meeting, right?''

Tony wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him. ''I don't have a choice, do I?'' He knew it would only be a matter of seconds before Pepper pushed him back, straightening up her outfit for the day, but he held her tight so she couldn't.

Pepper smirked at him, balancing her coffee in her hand. ''No, you don't.''

''Then I'll be there.'' he pressed his lips to hers, and was surprised when she didn't pull away after a few seconds, so he took advantage and prolonged the kiss as much he could. Pepper soon pulled back, looking up at him with a grin. ''I hate when you have to go to work.''

Pepper chuckled. ''I'll miss you too.'' She walked into the living room to give Abby a kiss, and then she was on hey way.

Tony heard the front door close as Pepper headed out to meet Happy at the car, and he walked into the living room to sit with Abby. She had the crumbs all over her face, such a messy eater, and her hands were covered in the honey that had been smeared onto the bread. He shook his head, knowing she would do this, and took her into the kitchen to clean up.

''Honey,'' Abby grinned, holding her sticky hands out to Tony. ''It's yummy!''

Tony chuckled. ''I don't know how you can taste it when it's all over your hands.''

''Mama?'' she looked around the room, searching for Pepper.

''She'll be back later Ab,'' he told her, wiping her mouth of the crumbs.

''Mama's gone,'' Abby stated.

Tony nodded. ''Not for long.''

''We play, daddy?'' she asked.

Tony thought of all the things he needed to do today, organizing for tomorrow night, but he couldn't say no to Abby. He had only just started to take her down to the workshop now, after installing a whole new safety and security system that was baby-proof and having Jarvis alert him any time anything harmful was in the room, and he let her play with the holograms he made for her. They were all sorts of animals she could pet, games she could play, all in hologram form so she could touch them, and it was her favorite place to be now. Pepper even approved of it, although she had to look over the new safety system first, but she knew Tony wouldn't take her down there if there was a chance she would get hurt. He could organize everything later, it would be fine.

''Yeah!'' he told her happily. ''Let's go!''

Tony was sitting at his desk in the workshop hours later, his eyes glancing over to see Abby playing with one of the holograms and drawing a picture with the giant piece of paper and crayons that she had. He was working on making orders for Pepper's favorite flowers, her favorite colors and a dress that he knew she would love. She didn't find time to buy herself nice dresses or jewelry, but that was okay, that was Tony's job.

''How about this one?'' he asked Abby, pulling her up to his lap when she tottered over. ''Pretty?''

Abby looked at the screen, making out the dress and it's color. ''Purple!'' she observed.

''That's right!'' Tony smiled. ''But is it pretty?''

Abby nodded. ''Mm, pretty.''

Tony bought the dress and organised specific wrapping and addressing, making sure everything was perfect. ''I'm lucky I've got you to help me now Ab, it used to be just me picking out these things.''

''Flowers!'' she pointed at the bouquet photo on screen. ''They pretty, daddy.''

''You want some flowers?'' he asked, and he grinned at her nodding her head right away. ''Let's order some for you too then.'' Tony thought to himself then, wondering about the restaurant. ''Actually, let's go pick out some stuff that's not online.''

Tony walked into the restaurant's doors, Abby in his arms holding a flower Tony get her at the florist, and looked around the room, wondering where they were. A few staff members hurried over, immediately recognizing who he was and not wanting to have him wait.

''Mr. Stark, welcome.'' The woman smiled.

''I called earlier.''

''Of course, your reserved the rooftop.'' The woman nodded, gesturing over to the door. ''Would you like to inspect the reservation?''

''I would.'' he smiled, following the woman.

''We've arranged things just as you asked, and there will be fresh flowers when you arrive, private level and no interruptions apart from dinner.''

''Excellent.'' he looked around the table. It was just the way Pepper would like it. It was set up like the dinner they had shared on their first date, and Tony remembered every detail after noticing how Pepper fell in love with the evening they spent here.

The woman excused herself to walk back into the restaurant as Tony inspected the setting. Abby squirmed in his arms and he set her down to walk over to the table, climbing up on the chair as Tony carefully stood by observing.

''Think mommy will like it?'' he asked, leaning down next to her.

''Yup.'' Abby nodded, smiling at the assortment of colors on the table and the beautiful setting of the chairs and table.

''It's a surprise,'' Tony told her, not sure she was understanding. ''So you can't tell mommy anything, okay? Shh.''

Abby put her finger over her mouth. ''Shh.''.

Tony picked her back up and walked over to the balcony, showing her high up they were but not standing too close. Her eyes widened at the sight of how tall the building was, and she clung to Tony's shirt with all her might in case she flew off with the gusts of wind. Tony noticed and walked back inside, but he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and noticed it was Pepper calling.

''Hello there my gorgeous wife.'' he answered, hoping it would take away the anger that he suspected she had for him at the moment.

''Nice try. Are you going to show up to this meeting anytime soon?'' she asked.

Tony closed his eyes and sighed. After everything he was organizing today, he had completely forgotten about the meeting. Not to mention he was having too much fun walking around different stores with Abby and letting her pick things out for tomorrow night. He lost track of time.

''Right...the meeting.''

''Yes, the meeting you said you would attend with me. It's only once a month Tony, and you didn't show up to the last one.'' she told him. ''Please tell me you're not doing something with the suit or else-''

''No, I'm not actually. I uh...took Abby shopping.''

Pepper paused. ''You...you went shopping? Voluntarily?''

Tony almost smiled at her questioning. ''Yeah, we were bored.''

Pepper wondered what they were doing. ''Shopping for what, exactly?''

Tony thought quickly on the spot. ''Toys. We went to Toys R Us, got some donuts, played in the arcade, you know, all that sort of stuff.''

''What are you actually doing, Tony?'' Pepper wasn't buying it.

''I'm being serious. Here, you want proof?'' he put the phone to Abby's ear.

''Hello?'' Pepper asked wondering where Tony went.

''Hi Mama!'' Abby squealed.

''Hey Abs,'' Pepper smiled at her daughter's voice. ''What are you and daddy doing?''

Abby looked to Tony who was whispering 'shh'. ''We played! I got a toy!''

They spoke for a few minutes until Tony took the phone back. ''There, see, I'm not lying.''

''Alright then. I'm guessing you're actually not coming to this meeting then.''

''I'm sorry, I lost track of time.'' he whined. ''I promise I'll go to the next one. Promise.''

Pepper sighed. ''You say that all the time.''

''I know, but one day I'll actually do it.'' he shrugged.

The next day was going all as planned for Tony. Actually, there were no plans for the day, and that was his plan. He wanted Pepper to think he had forgotten, and then be surprised by what he had set up. It would be their best anniversary ever, and it would make up for missing last years, although neither of them were bothered with missing it since they were waiting for Abby to be born.

Rhodey turned up late in the afternoon when Pepper was busy and took Abby for the night, glad to be babysitting on this special occasion. He had babysat Abby overnight only two times before when Pepper and Tony had to attend business meetings out of town, but he always enjoyed it. Secretly, he loved watching those children movies with her and cartoons, playing with toy sets and eating ice-cream with her.

Pepper walked upstairs, wondering where everyone was.

''Tony?'' she called out. ''Tony!''

She wandered into their bedroom and saw a box sitting on the bed, a bow tightly wrapped around it. Instantly, she became suspicious as to what Tony had planned. She knew it was their two year anniversary, but Tony seemed to be busy all day in the workshop, she barely saw him and thought he had just forgotten.

No, I didn't forget. This box holds everything you'll need, compliments of your daughter and husband's great taste in fashion. Happy will be here to pick you up at 7. I'll meet you there. Abby's at Rhodey's for the night, everything is taken care of, stop worrying. I know you hate surprises, but deal with it. Happy Anniversary. I love you.

Pepper grinned as she read the little note he left on top of the box. He was so sweet when he wanted to be, and he always knew how to make up for anything he had done. She couldn't believe she thought he forgot, she should have known he was planning something. That's why he took Abby shopping and missed the meeting, and now she felt horrible about giving him a hard time for it. Pepper glanced at the clock and noticed it was 5.30pm, and she began to untie the box and see what was inside.

Pepper looked at her reflection in the mirror, smiling to herself at Tony and Abby's choice. Her dress was deep purple, and it flowed around her perfectly. She had black heels to go with the dress, picked out by the two of them also. She had her hair down, letting her curls fall down her back. She was excited to see what Tony had planned since he had done very well so far. He was right, she didn't like surprises, but ones like this, she could easily get used to.

''Mr. Hogan has arrived.'' Jarvis informed her.

Pepper grabbed her clutch and headed toward the door, carefully stepping down the stairs and enjoying the way her dress swayed around her body when she moved. It was a gorgeous dress, she didn't know how they had picked one that she loved so much. She walked out the door, heading over to Happy who held the door open for her, grinning.

''You look like you know what's going on.'' she smiled.

''I'm not allowed to say anything.'' he told her.

''Hmm,'' Pepper eyed him, sitting in the backseat.

It wasn't a long drive to wherever Tony had planned this evening to be, it was just across town and as soon as Happy took a certain turn on the road, she knew exactly where it was going to be. It was her favorite restaurant. It was where they had their first real date, and it was perfect. They'd only been back a few times since then, but she was already giddy with excitement knowing where they were going.

Happy drove into the driveway and opened the door for Pepper, holding a hand out to help her out. A woman greeted her at the door and politely welcomed her inside. It was beautiful inside, and Pepper would have been happy with a corner table for the two of them, but she knew Tony would go for something a little more extravagant, and she was right.

She arrived at the top floor, and there was one table in the room which was lit up with candles and surrounded with her favorite flowers. Standing just beside the gorgeous table, was Tony. He was dressed in his usual suit, except she could tell he had put extra effort into his appearance just for tonight.

''You're quite good at this.'' she told him, and he raised his eyebrow in confusion. ''Surprising me.''

Tony walked over and wrapped his arm around her waist. ''You didn't think I forgot, did you?''

Pepper closes the distance between their lips, stopping just before they met. ''Of course not.''

Their lips met gently, staying together for a short moment before Pepper pulled back, wanting to enjoy the evening he had planned as soon as possible. He smirked at her appreciation and pulled the seat out for her like a gentleman, and she smiled like a teenage girl on a date with her sweetheart. Pepper took the time to look around the table setting, and she noticed something major. It was set out exactly as it was when they were on their first date, every single detail was right. She was surprised that Tony remembered, but then again, she never gave his memory enough credit when it came to the small, important things like this. It was perfect, she could tell just how much effort he had put into everything.

''I can't believe you got it all right.'' she commented. ''The flowers, the candles, the tablecloth. You remembered it all.''

Tony took his seat across from hers. ''Well, that night will be in my memory forever.''

Pepper blushed. ''It really was the perfect first date, wasn't it?''

''And here we are,'' Tony poured their champagne. ''Two years later.''

''I can't believe it's been two years.'' Pepper sighed. ''It's gone so fast.''

Tony sipped at his glass. ''Here's a question, not to get too sentimental so quickly, but what was it like? Being married to me, was it what you expected?''

Pepper thought to herself. ''With you, nothing's as expected. It was...scary, at first. I didn't know how much things would change, how our relationship would change, but I found out that it didn't have to. Marriage is just a certificate, it doesn't change feelings.''

Tony grinned at her words, raising his glass to clink with hers. ''To two of the best years of my life.'' he proposed. ''No, really Pepper. You've given me everything I could ever want in life. You make me happy, and without you there is no me. And most of all, you've given me a family.''

Pepper's eyes watered at his heartfelt toast, and she held them back as she told him the same. ''You're making me cry.''

Tony reached over and wiped her cheek. ''Hey, don't cry, not this early!''

Pepper chuckled. ''I'm sorry, I can't help it.'' she looked over to him. ''I'm so lucky to have you. Even with your annoying, frustrating and childish traits, I wouldn't change you at all.''

上一章 Chapter 17 Pepperony最新章节 下一章 Chapter 18(2)