话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > Pepperony
本书标签: 二次元  adventure  comic     

Chapter 15


Pepper ran her fingers along Abby's back, soothing her as she seemed very overwhelmed. She was aware that Hammer was watching her every move, making sure she didn't do anything stupid. She hoped that the silent alarm in the house worked and that Tony was on his way, that's all she kept thinking about. Would he find them? Was it a trap? It was all too much, Hammer had made her go completely out of her mind with worry for not only her and her daughter, but for Tony and Rhodey as well.

''Did you ever think this would be your life, Pepper?'' Hammer asked. ''Married to Tony Stark, madly in love, having a child together...it's like a fairy-tale isn't it?'' Hammer moved to take a sip of his drink he had poured, it appeared to be scotch. ''I had a lot of time to think about my own fairy-tale. I would have been the biggest weapons manufacturer in the world, people would have come to me from all over the globe for my merchandise. I would of had a big house, a model wife, might of even had some kids too.'' he continued sipping his drink as he spoke. ''But, because of you, I had all of that taken away from me before I even had it.''

Pepper shifted uncomfortably. ''You brought it on yourself. All I did was show people what you were doing, what you were like.''

'I brought it on myself?'' he repeated. ''Why? For wanting to share with the world what Tony Stark wouldn't? Those suits would have made me famous, I would have been one of the most powerful men in the world. Do you know how that feels, Pepper? To have something so close, so close you can see it and what you can do with it, and then have it snatched away as you were walking toward it. Do you, Pepper?'' he asked, and she remained silent. ''Answer me!''

Pepper shook her head. ''No.'

''No, you don't. Because you have all of that. You have the house, the marriage, the daughter...you've got it all. Well, I'm going to show you what it feels like to have things taken away from you, to have them so close, but so far away.'' he told her seriously. ''But then there's Tony Stark. Now, he's had it all his whole life. He's never had anything taken from him, he's had it all for too long.''

''That's not true.'' Pepper told him. ''He's had plenty of things taken from him in his life. You have no idea what you're talking about.''

Hammer feigned a sad face. ''Oh, poor Tony. Some bad guys took him away into a cave for a few months. He came back, didn't he? He came back and then got even more than he already had. The world crumbled to his feet, they adored him, and he still had it all.'' Pepper could see Hammer getting angrier. ''Now, he's going to come home to an empty house. No wife, no daughter, and he's going to know how it feels to have something taken away from him. He's going to feel the pain I felt while I sat in that prison cell, waiting to rot!''

''This isn't his fault.'' Pepper defended. ''I put you in jail, not him.''

''I'm well aware of who ruined my life, Pepper. That's why Tony's the one who's going to suffer the loss. You're going to see what it does to a person to lose everything, you're going to know the pain of causing it, like you caused me.''

''You never had anything to lose. You had your ego, and your stupidity.'' Pepper told him. ''Don't blame me for this Hammer, you brought it all on yourself.''

Hammer bit his lip, about to yell. ''I had my whole life. I had a career, and someday a family. But now I'm a wanted man, I'll never have any of that! And for that, Pepper, I'm going to watch you suffer as you see the one you love lose everything. All. Because. Of. You.''

Tony was soaring through the air, Rhodey close behind him as they made their way in the direction Jarvis had told them the car was travelling in. Hammer knew what he was doing this time, Jarvis was informing him how the car was automatically changing registration plates so they couldn't be followed or tracked, however Jarvis was able to keep up with them. Pepper cell had a tracking device in it, and shortly after being informed that following the car may be difficult, Tony told Jarvis to track the cell.

Soon after, Jarvis gave Tony the coordinates for the cell phone, and Tony locked on his location. They were getting closer than he thought, and the route Jarvis gave them led them to a highway. Rhodey followed close behind again as Tony lowered to the ground.

''Jarvis, the tracking isn't right.'' Tony yelled.

''The cell phone locator is working perfectly, sir.''

''Then why I am in the bushes on the side of the highway?''

''Tony...'' Rhodey spoke softly, lifting up the remainders of Pepper's Blackberry and showing it to him.

Tony let out a long sighed, kicking his feet into the dirt. ''Son of a bitch!''

Hammer had thrown Pepper's cell out of the car as they traveled along the highway, smashing it against the concrete. Tony was desperate, he needed to find them. His body was shaking with anger and worry, he didn't know what he would do if something happened to them.

''Jarvis, where's the car?''

''The car is no longer travelling sir, but I have a possible location, although it's not a 100%-''

''Where is it?''

Jarvis told him the location and soon Tony and Rhodey were back up into the air as they followed his orders, praying this would be the right location. It was out of the state, and in a deserted location. It wasn't completely deserted, but it was sure isolated. Tony guessed it would be one of Hammer's many mansions that he had purchased before he was thrown in jail, and he was determined to get there as quickly as possible.

The car pulled up outside an old house down a long road, it was big and looked like it was very luxurious once upon a time, but now it looked like it was falling apart. Pepper didn't want to go inside, but she knew she didn't have a choice. Hammer stepped out, walking over to Pepper's door and helping her out. She held Abby in her arms tight, making sure she was alright.

''Nice place, huh?'' Hammer looked at the house adoringly. ''This was my first house, straight out of college. I built Hammer Industries here, I thought I'd have it all. I was gonna renovate this place, have a shop to work in, I had dreams for it.'' he looked over to Pepper. ''But, I guess that'll never happen now.''

Pepper followed Hammer inside as instructed, the two men behind her and watching her every move. She had no idea what he was planning to do, but she knew it was her that was supposed to be suffering, and she didn't understand why everyone else had to as well. Abby held onto Pepper's shirt as they walked through the door, and inside was not how it was assumed to look. It was marvelous inside, all new furniture and decor.

''It's nice, isn't it?'' Hammer laughed. ''I had my boys here get this place ready for when I got out of that hellhole.''

''How did you get out?'' Pepper asked as the men closed the door behind her.

Hammer smirked. ''Oh, it's nothing really. Security guard took a break, Stan filled in for him.'' he pointed over to the man. ''No security camera feeds, nothing. Now, it's just suspicion. No one knows.'' Hammer showed Pepper into the living room where there were luxurious sofas and a long couch, all brand new. ''Please, take a seat, I'll be right back. Care for a drink?'' With a glare from Pepper, Hammer was gone.

Stan and the other man stood by the doorway to the room, supervising once again. Abby sat on Pepper's lap, playing with one of her soft toys that she managed to bring along. It occupied her from what was going on, and Pepper was thankful.

Hammer walked back into the room with a glass of what appeared to be scotch and took a seat on the long couch, letting out a sigh of relaxation. He looked so content with how things were going, it made Pepper's blood boil with anger, but she kept calm for her daughter's sake.

''So,'' Hammer clapped his hand, reaching for the phone. ''How about we call Tony? See how things are going.''

''He doesn't need to be involved.'' Pepper spoke up. ''Whatever you want with me, just get to it, but don't bring Tony into this.''

Hammer sat the phone down, looking to Pepper, intrigued. ''Pepper, the man is Iron Man. Why are you so worried about him?'' he laughed.

Pepper looked at him hatefully. ''You're mad at me, so do whatever it is you're going to do, to me.''

''What makes you think I was going to do anything to you?'' he asked. ''I mean, I like to have a plan Pepper but I don't always follow it. I like the sense that fear gives off. The fear of losing something you hold so close, the fear of not being able to protect them, just good old-fashioned fear.''

''You want me to be scared?''

Hammer chuckled. ''Still not getting it Potts. I want to show you what that fear does to someone.''

Pepper felt a wave of fear overtake her. ''Tony...''

''That's right!'' he smiled. ''I want to make Tony fear all of those things.''

''But why? What do you get out of all of this?''

''Pepper, I've been sitting a jail cell for over a year.'' he told her bluntly. ''I need some entertainment.''

Pepper was growing even more agitated. ''So...all of this is a game to you?''

''Hey, I take my work very seriously Pepper.'' he told her. ''Now, if you'll just kindly cooperate with me for a while, we'll have no problems.''

Pepper looked at the two other men walking toward her. ''What do you mean?''

''Oh it's just a little theatricality for when I make my phone call to Tony, or maybe a video call, depends what I feel like.'' he mused. ''Don't worry Potts, I like to be dramatic.'' Hammer walked over. ''Here, let me take little Abigail for you-''

''Don't touch her!'' Pepper yelled. ''Don't!''

''Relax Pepper,'' he rolled his eyes, pulling Abby into his arms as the men held Pepper back. ''I won't hurt her. Besides, I think she likes me.'' Abby looked up at him intriguingly, still wondering who he was. ''Bye bye momma!'' Hammer waved at Pepper as the men took her out of the room.

''Please, Hammer!'' she yelled. ''Don't hurt her! Hammer! No!''

Tony and Rhodey were still flying to the destination Jarvis gave them when Tony received an incoming call from an unknown number. He told Rhodey to slow up, instantly knowing who it was going to be, and then he answered.

''Tony!'' Hammer smiled. ''Nice to see you again!''

''Where are they Hammer?'' he asked firmly.

''I assume you're referring to your wife and daughter, both who I have spent a lovely evening with.'' he spoke calmly. ''They're safe, for now.''

''I swear, if you even-''

''Oh, save it.'' Hammer sighed, waving his hand around. ''I've heard it all, Tony. As a matter of fact I heard this exact speech only the other day and yet here we are. Your threats mean nothing anymore Tony, they're useless.''

Tony swallowed, his heart pounding. ''What do you want?''

''I thought you might want to hear from your wife.''

Tony paused, wondering if Hammer was being serious. ''Pepper? Pepper!?''

''I'm here Tony,'' she spoke.

''I'm gonna find you, Pepper, I promise!''

Hammer laughed then. ''That's right, be a superhero Tony, it's what you're good at, isn't it? You can save all of those innocent lives around the world, but when it comes to our family, you can't manage to protect them. How does that feel Pepper? Knowing your husband, Iron Man, can't even protect you when you need him the most? Or even your daughter-''

''Don't you dare, Hammer! If you touch my daughter-''

''Oh Tony, we just talked about this.'' Hammer sighed. ''So, Pepper, why don't you tell Tony what we talked about, huh?''

Pepper took a moment to speak, but when she did, he could hear the sadness in it. ''Tony...'' she spoke quietly.

''I'm here Pep, I promise I'll get you out of this.''

''Tony we're not coming back.''

Tony was taken aback. ''What?''

''Me and Abby aren't coming home.''

''Pepper, what are you talking about?''

He could hear her breathing heavily. ''Hammer...he's going to take us away.'' she told him. ''But-''

''You hear that, Tony? Never coming back.'' Hammer spoke. ''You're going to know what it feels like to have something taken from you. When you have no power over what happens, nothing to bargain with, nothing to get them back. It feels good, doesn't it? Having something ripped away from you.''

''Hammer...'' Tony pleaded. ''What do you want? Money? The company? Suits?''

Hammer laughed. ''I'm a wanted man Tony, do you think any of that appeals to me anymore? No, it's the principle of this whole thing that matters to me. I want to show you what it was like for me. Soon, you'll have nothing.''

The phone went dead seconds later, and Tony lost connection with the signal to the phone. His whole life stopped at the thought of never seeing Pepper or Abby again, he couldn't function. Rhodey got a whole feed of what happened, hearing the conversation, and they continued their flight in silence as Tony tried to think of what Hammer was going to do. He wouldn't kill Pepper, he couldn't, Hammer wasn't that low. He especially wouldn't hurt Abby. But Tony knew he was serious about taking them away, never having them see him again. He couldn't live without them, he would never stop searching.

''Tony, what's that?'' Rhodey pointed toward an old house off the roads, the location Jarvis had lead them to. ''That's the house.''

''He wouldn't be in an old house like that.'' Tony spoke quietly, his thoughts running. ''Son of a bitch, he's in there. He's throwing us off the trail!''

Rhodey looked back to him. ''What do we do?''

''Get Pepper and Abby, I'll take Hammer.'' Tony ordered.

''No, Tony-''

''Just do it! I'll handle Hammer, trust me.''

Pepper sat in the room by herself, it was dark and there was nothing luxurious in there. Hammer had Abby out in the living room, which made her uneasy. She knew he wouldn't hurt her, he wasn't so low, but she still didn't like the idea of him taking care of her daughter. She though about what Hammer told her, moving them to another country, away from Tony and Stark Industries, giving them a new identity and making sure they didn't get in contact with Tony.

''I'm not doing that!'' Pepper yelled.

''It's simple Pepper,'' Hammer looked at her seriously. ''It's either that, or Tony dies.''

Pepper's heart stopped for a moment. ''No, please don't!''

''No one has to get hurt, so long as you follow the instructions.''

She sat there thinking for a few moments, and she began to hear the sound of approaching crafts. It sounded like jets zooming by, and for a moment she thought the military was called, but then she heard something burst through the living room wall.

''Get down! Hands where I can see them!'' Rhodey yelled, pointing his arms at the men and Hammer.

Hammer's face went pale with shock, falling the the floor in surrender with the other men. Pepper tried to run out, but she had been locked in, so she resorted to banging on the door with her fists, screaming that she was inside. Tony followed in behind Rhodey, first being outside to check for any other men or anything dangerous. He found Abby over on the couch, crying because of the explosions and Rhodey managed to unlock the door, Pepper running over to her daughter and husband.

''I thought I was never gonna see you again!'' Pepper yelled when she saw Tony. ''He..h-he told me he was going to...h-he was going to-''

''Pepper, shh, calm down,'' he soothed her. ''Come on, you gotta get out of here! Happy's at home, Rhodey's gonna take you.'' Abby was in Pepper's arms, reaching for Tony. ''Shh, it's only Ab, daddy's here.'' he soothed, kissing her cheek before looking up at Pepper. ''Please, go home, I'll take care of this.''

''Tony...'' Pepper looked worried.

''It'll be fine, I promise, please.'' he begged. ''I need you to be safe, I can't go through that again.''

Pepper nodded, going with Rhodey as he helped her away. He gave Tony a warning look, and Tony simply nodded in agreement to something they had talked about. Pepper didn't want to leave, but she had to, she had to make sure Abby was safe.

''Rhodey, what's he doing?'' Pepper asked when they walked outside.

''He's taking care of things.''

''What does that mean?'' Pepper raised her voice.

''No, I promise it's not what you think, he wouldn't go that far, he's not like Hammer. But he needs to do this, it's gonna help him sleep a lot better at night.''

Pepper understood. ''Where's he going to take him?''

Rhodey looked over to her. ''Far away.''

Tony walked over to Hammer in he middle of the room, ignoring the other men as they cowered. Hammer was terrified, but he didn't say a word, he tried to seem as calm as possible.

''You think you can just take my family and threaten them?'' Tony asked, picking Hammer up but his shirt. ''I will always protect my family, especially against scum like you.''

Hammer chuckled. ''What're you gonna do Tony, kill me?''

Tony smirked. ''Not exactly.''

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