话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > Pepperony
本书标签: 二次元  adventure  comic     

Chapter 9


Tony had got them to the hospital is record timing, even though he wasn't driving one of his sports cars, which had surprised him when he found the hospital a few minutes after leaving. He was still in shock about the whole thing, although the past few days he had been expecting it, when it happened it was just so surreal. He remembered walking into the bathroom when Pepper called out his name and seeing the expression on his face, he instantly knew and rushed around the get everything ready to go.

Pepper was ridiculously calm about the whole thing considering how stressed she had been lately. She had even calmed Tony down, talking to him the whole drive the hospital, assuring him that she really was okay and that nothing was happening yet, although her water had definitely broken. Tony kept asking her questions, making sure nothing was wrong and making her tell him exactly what was going on until he calmed himself down a bit. He was freaking out, although he had been preparing for it, and Pepper managed to calm him down before they got to the hospital.

When they were inside, however, things changed. Pepper assured him she was okay to walk into the main area until they organized her room, but Tony was getting frustrated with the staff before anything even happened.

''Okay Mrs. Stark, we're just going to get your room ready now, Dr. Tate will be here very soon.'' The nurse told her politely.

''Can't you hurry things up?'' Tony asked firmly. ''We organized this months ago, why isn't her room ready?''

''I understand Mr. Stark, we're making the room more comfortable for her.''

Pepper grabbed his hand. ''Tony, please calm down. Just stay with me, don't worry about everything else.''

Tony looked away from the nurse and knelt down next to Pepper who was advised to sit down in the wheelchair. ''Are you okay?''

''I'm fine, please just calm down.'' she gave him a smile. ''Nothing's even happening yet, please stop freaking out.''

''Freaking out? I'm not freaking out. Does is seem like I'm freaking out? Because I'm not, I swear, I'm totally calm and here for you and...and not-''

''You're freaking out.'' Pepper told him as he rambled. ''Just re-''

Tony's eyebrows creased together as he looked at Pepper's paused expression. She looked like she was in shock for a few seconds, and then her hands flew to her stomach as she winced.

''Pepper?'' Tony asked worriedly. ''What's going on?''

''No, it's okay,'' she grabbed his hand. ''I just...I think that I'm-'' she stopped again, the same look on her face.

Just as Tony was about to turn around and call for a nurse, one came up behind Pepper and began wheeling her into her room so she would be comfortable.

''It's okay honey, they're just the beginning of your contractions, it's perfectly normal so don't worry about a thing, you're in good care.''

Pepper held onto Tony's hand harder. ''How bad do they get?''

''It depends on the woman, everybody's different.'' The nurse explained.

They soon made it to Pepper's private room and she was fitted into a hospital gown to allow her to be comfortable before she rested on the bed. Right now, everything was up to Pepper. If she wanted to sit, they provided her with a chair, if she wanted to lay down, they readied the bed and if she wanted to stand up they helped her through everything. Tony was with her the whole time, holding her hand and rubbing her arm every time she had another little contraction. He hated seeing her like this, but there really was nothing he could do but provide his support.

Rhodey was informed on what was going on since he had called Tony for something and caught them at the hospital. He assured him he would take care of things and even come by later to see how Pepper and his goddaughter were going. But for now, everyone was waiting.

''Mrs. Stark,'' Dr. Tate walked in happily. ''Congratulations, today's the day, or night I suppose. How you feeling?''

Pepper shook her head miserably. ''Scared,'' Tony gripped her hand tighter at her words. ''...but excited.''

''It's normal to be scared, I would be worried if you weren't. I've been told you're having mild contractions, but nothing other than that. Correct?'' Pepper nodded. ''Okay, let's see how things are going.''

It had been hours now since Pepper first arrived at the hospital, and things were going very slowly. Dr. Tate advised her that she might be in for a long labor since things weren't progressing as fast as she would like. Tony had been sitting by her side ever since Dr. Tate arrived, holding her hand as they were being told what was going on. Pepper was experiencing contractions every now and then, but they weren't as bad as they would end up being, this was just the beginning.

Tony brushed her hair back from her face. ''Are you okay? Do you need anything?''

Pepper moved around, trying to get comfortable. ''I'm okay, I think, I just can't get comfortable.'' she looked up at him. ''Can you get me some water? Really, really cold water.''

Tony stood up immediately, almost tripping on his own feet in the midst of his rush. ''I'll be right back.''

Pepper moved around a few more times, letting out a frustrated groan at the fact that no matter what position she was in, there was no way she could get comfortable on this bed. Even when she stood up, it wasn't for long and she still didn't find any ease on the pain in her lower back. Nothing was helping, and she could get no pain relief to help her through it. She tried not to show Tony exactly how much discomfort and pain she was experiencing, knowing it would set him off on rampage through the hospital searching from something to help her, because there was nothing anyone could do. This was all about patience, something Tony didn't have and Pepper was slowly running out of.

''Here you go,'' Tony's voice appeared beside her again, handing her a plastic cup of water with ice chips inside.

Pepper took it in her hands, enjoying the cool touch it gave off and pressed it to her forehead for a moment before taking a sip. It was refreshing in ways Pepper couldn't explain, it soothed so much.

''Did she say any more?'' she looked over to Tony, referring to Dr. Tate.

Tony shook his head sympathetically. ''There's nothing they can do now, all we have to do is wait.'' he looked at her sadly. ''She'll be here soon, I know it.''

''It's been four hours,'' she whined. ''Why isn't anything happening?'' Pepper had already been told why things were progressing slowly, Dr. Tate explaining that everyone was different and not everything happened so quickly. For some unfortunate people, this went on for over 24 hours, and Pepper was only into the fourth hour of hers. ''She's three days late, and now she's not coming out.''

Tony took her hand. ''Hey, she's going to be here soon. It might take a while longer, but she's coming.''

''But she's late.'' Pepper pouted again.

''Yeah, but I'm always late for those meetings and I turn up eventually.'' he pointed out with a smile. ''She's just taking after me.''

To that, Pepper let out a slight chuckle. ''She's not even born yet and she's already just like you. I don't know how I'm going to handle the two of you together, she's going to be a wild one.''

''Yeah, I really feel for you on that one.'' he nodded, not even denying that his daughter would be a handful. ''Can you just imagine when she discovers what sugar is?''

Pepper laughed. ''Oh god, the house will be a battlefield.''

''It will.'' he laughed as well. ''But you know what? You're gonna have me there with you, you won't have to deal with anything alone.''

Pepper smiled. ''I know.'' she was about to go on, but then she felt something inside of her as if something was putting pressure on her stomach as it tightened. ''Ow! Ah, I think this one is...ow! Definitely...worse.''

Tony looked around, not knowing what to do. ''Are you okay? What can I do?''

Pepper grabbed his hand, squeezing it. ''No! Don't go, please.''

''I have to get a nurse.'' he pleaded.

''No, please just stay here with me until it goes away.'' she looked at him with panicked eyes, and he couldn't say no, walking back over to her and putting his arm around her back. ''It's just a little worse, nothing to worry about, the nurse told me they gradually get bigger.''

''What does that mean?''

''We're getting closer,'' she laid down into the pillow. ''But it could go on for hours.''

It was officially twelve hours since they arrived at the hospital, the sun coming through the windows. Tony still held Pepper's hand as his head rested on the side of the bed, his eyes fluttered open and closed. Dr. Tate had been there a number of times to check on her, but there was nothing she could do to speed things up. Pepper was growing frustrated with how uncomfortable she was and how long she had been in this bed. Every time she needed to go to the toilet, a nurse had to accompany her and help her move around, it was beyond annoying.

Tony did all he could to help, but in the end he wasn't the one who was going through the hours of being in pain and discomfort, and he ended up not knowing what to say to soothe her anymore or even help.

He looked up when Pepper's nails were digging into his hands as she experienced another contraction, Tony had lost count of how many she had, and he bit his lip at the pain she was causing him by doing so.

''Y-you're kinda...your nails are-'' he tried to tell her, but she looked at him with an annoyed glare, silencing him. ''Bad one?''

''What do you think? Oh that's right, you wouldn't know, would you?'' she snapped.

Tony knew she was frustrated, angry, tired and on edge, and he bad been monitoring every word he said before he spoke, thinking of all the ways she could turn it back on him, but he didn't see that one coming. He stored it in his memory, sure to watch his words better next time.

''You're doing great-''

''Wait,'' her eyes widened, looking at him in panic. ''It's...it's not stopping.''

Tony was instantly wide awake again, rushing out to the hall to get a nurse. She walked in and asked Pepper a few questions, making sure it wasn't a false alarm again since they had experiences two of those over their long wait.

''How long has it been going?'' The nurse asked.

Pepper gritted through her teeth. ''A few minutes.''

The nurse nodded. ''I'll get Tate.''

A few minutes later, Dr. Tate was in the room and rushing over to Pepper's side where Tony previously was. He was now on the other side holding Pepper's hand and looking at the doctor with anticipation.

''Okay honey, just relax, I'm going to check a few things and we'll see how you're doing. You're doing great so far.''

Dr. Tate checked numerous things on Pepper's body to make sure she was ready. Her stomach, the baby's position and all of those details that were needed. Tony pushed more of Pepper's hair out of her face that had become clammy and red. It wasn't even a minute later when Dr. Tate told them the news.

''It's time.''

Tony and Pepper looked at her in horror.

''You mean...she's coming now?'' he asked.

''Are you sure?'' Pepper asked. ''This is it? I mean, are you absolutely sure?''

Dr. Tate smiled. ''I'm sure. Your baby's coming now.''

A few moments later, as Tony and Pepper remained in silence due to shock, a few more nurses came in and began escorting Pepper to the delivery room as Tony followed next to her, still holding her hand. She was terrified, she had never been so scared in her life and she couldn't do it if Tony wasn't with her.

''Don't leave me,'' she looked up at him, tears in her eyes. ''Please, I need you there with me.''

Tony squeezed her hand. ''I will be there, I'm not going anywhere Pepper, I promise. You and me.'' he looked over to Dr. Tate just to make sure that was okay, and she nodded back with a smile. ''I'm gonna be right there with you.''

It had been fourtee hours. Fourteen hours of pain, discomfort, worry, stress, anger, frustration and exhaustion, but she was finally here. Their little baby girl was born, sleeping soundly in Pepper's arms as she lay quietly in her bed back in her room, looking down at the angelic face that was in front of her. Tony was laying next to her, propped up on his elbow to have his other arm over the baby's blanket.

They had been in there for over an hour, just staring at their daughter in awe. None of the other stuff in their life mattered anymore. Pepper forgot she had a company to run and Tony forgot he was Iron Man. Now, they were parents of a beautiful baby girl.

''I don't think I'll be able to stop looking at her,'' Tony smiled, his finger running over his daughter's chubby cheeks.

Pepper sniffled, her tears had been falling the whole time. ''I know, she's perfect.''

''I can't believe we made her,'' he almost chuckled, but stopped out of fear he would wake her. ''I mean, she's something else. She's...I have no words.''

Pepper looked up and he met her gaze, moving closer to one another, their lips meeting for a short moment before they pulled away and looked back at one another. They were completely happy. One hundred percent content with their life at that very moment.

''I love you,'' he smiled. ''I just...seeing you go through that, I've never been more in love with you.'' he admitted, feeling that was the cheesiest thing he had ever said in his life, but he didn't care. ''I could never have done what you did, you're amazing.''

Pepper's tears fell even more now, she was the happiest woman alive. ''We're finally a family.''

The next minute, the door in Pepper's room opened quietly and Dr. Tate stepped in, smiling widely at the little family that were laying on the bed peacefully.

''How are you doing, Pepper?'' she asked.

''A bit sore, but I don't care.'' Pepper looked back at her daughter. ''It was worth it.''

''She sure is gorgeous. I can see so much of the two of you in her already.'' Dr. Tate smiled. ''She's a perfect little baby.''

''That she is.'' Tony grinned, stroking her little cheek again.

''I just have one form to fill out for the two of you and then you're free to marvel at your daughter all you want.'' Dr. Tate informed them, pulling a pen from her coat. ''The big question. May I have a name?''

Pepper and Tony looked at each other knowingly before Tony answered her, his eyes still on his daughter in Pepper's arms.

''Abigail Maria Stark.''

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