话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > Pepperony
本书标签: 二次元  adventure  comic     

Chapter 3(1)


Pepper walked back in the front door and absentmindedly slammed the door behind her, cringing at the sound as she hurried up the stairs to the bathroom. Tony still wasn't home, and for the first time she was glad that he wouldn't be back for a few more hours yet. The test she had taken was sitting on the counter in the bathroom, it's results looking back at her as she sat a brown bag down next to it. It was positive, but Pepper couldn't trust it. If this was happening, no matter how many signs pointed toward it, she needed to make sure that the first test wasn't lying to her. There was no way she would get into the doctor's this afternoon, so for now she depended on the results of the other four boxes she had bought.

They were all different brands, trying to make sure she got the most accurate results, but the instructions were just the same as before. It was easy enough, but that didn't take Pepper's mind off of the fact she could be pregnant right now, especially since the first test was positive. She just couldn't believe she had to wait this long before realizing what was going on with her body. With how busy she had been and the stress she was going through, she didn't even notice that she was late, the days all seemed to pass in a blur and before she knew it weeks had passed and she was experiencing the same symptoms of pregnancy.

Twenty minutes later, all of the tests were done, but Pepper hadn't found the courage to look at them yet, covering them with a towel as she sat down on the cool tiles of the bathroom floor to look at them all. She had the first one in her hand, the first positive test, and then she began looking at each of the others.

She lifted the first one up to see the result. Positive. She looked at another. Positive. Another. Positive. And finally, the last one. Positive.

Five different brands, five positive results. There was no denying it now. From all the movies she had seen, all the false pregnancy tests and false alarms, she knew the answer to her question when the five tests came back with the same answer. Although she wanted to go to the doctors to properly confirm everything, she knew this was happening. She was pregnant.

As her mind began to think through all of the factors she would have to deal with when she went to the doctors, there was nothing that made her stress more than telling Tony. Sure, they were married, but having kids wasn't a major priority right now, they hadn't exactly spoke about it in detail. There was always the little comment that each of them made like ''I bet our son would be just like you,'' or ''If we had a daughter I bet...'', but they were nothing more than musings. Nothing had been planned when it came to children, although they knew it would happen one day eventually, just not so soon, and that's what worried Pepper. That Tony wouldn't be ready, that he wouldn't want to do this right now, after all, they'd only been married for two months. She glanced down at her watch, seeing that she had a few more hours to think about how she would break this to him.

''Never want to go to a meeting ever again!'' Tony groaned when he walked through the door, his voice echoing down the hall where Pepper was sitting in the living room. ''Please don't make me go back there.''

Pepper laughed at his whining as she looked up from her seat on the couch. He was pulling at his tie and throwing it to the ground, loosening his collar now that he was back at home. He walked over and lifted Pepper's legs up, sitting himself down next to her and setting her legs over his as he got comfortable.

''How did it go?'' Pepper asked, pushing his messy hair out of his face, listening to him sigh.

''It was so boring. I mean, I know they're not supposed to be exciting and fun, but that was unbearable.'' he told her as he thought about his day. ''Thank god they're only one day a month. I still don't understand why I have to be there, I barely even spoke.''

''It's your company, remember?''

''Uh no, if I recall, it's our company.'' he pointed out, looking to her with a smile. ''Speaking of which, why didn't you have to go today, again?''

''Because it was my day off. Plus, I went to the last one when you didn't, so it's fair now.''

Tony grumble and rested his hands on top of her legs, tapping his fingers rhythmically against her soft skin. ''So, how was your day off, huh? Moping around the house missing me, I assume.'' he flashed a grin her way.

''As a matter of fact I cleaned, if you haven't noticed.''

Tony looked around the room for a few short seconds, instantly seeing cleaner surfaces and less mess where he left it. ''Well, now you mention it, it does look nice around here. But are you forgetting we have a maid to do that stuff? You don't have to worry about it. It's called a day off for a reason Pepper, not to do any work.''

''I know that, but I was bored and I like to clean my own house every now and then.'' she told him before rolling her eyes at his reaction to her words. ''Okay, our house.'' They sat there peacefully for a while longer, relishing the feel of the cool air from the air conditioning blowing against there skin as the sun was setting outside. Before they knew it, it was dark. ''Do you want some dinner?''

Tony thought to himself for a while. ''We'll just order in later, I just want to sit here for a while.''

Pepper leaned forward and rested her head against his shoulder. ''Me too.''

As Pepper snuggled in against his side, enjoying the feel of his arms now around her, she kept feeling guilty over the fact that she wasn't telling him something that he needed to know. This was his child, he needed to know what was going on, he deserved to know as she soon as she found out, but she just didn't know how to tell him. He was already so exhausted from his long day at Stark Industries, sitting through a meeting that she knew would be as boring as watching paint dry. She just wanted him to relax for a while, she would tell him later, as soon as she figured out how.

Tony walked out of the bathroom later that night still running a towel through his wet hair, sighing at the feeling of walking into the nice cool room from the steamy shower. Pepper was sitting up in bed wearing her tank top, her underwear hidden by the sheet she had pulled over her legs. They had ordered Chinese food for dinner, having a relaxing meal in front of the television, not bothering to move from their position until they headed up to bed.

Pepper had thought of many different ways to tell him about what she had discovered today, but she thought she would just go for the easy, simple approach and just tell him exactly how it was, just like taking off a band-aid. Quick and painless, although she was still as nervous as she had ever been. She knew Tony, there was no way he would make her deal with this on her own if he wasn't ready, he would be there for her through everything, but it was his reaction that worried her. She didn't know how he would take the news, he was so unpredictable sometimes, even for Pepper who could read him like a book.

The bed moved beside her as Tony slumped himself down, wearing only his briefs and sitting up on his elbow to look at her. ''Please don't tell me I have to get up early tomorrow morning.''

''No, you don't have to.'' she told him, laughing at how dramatic he was acting. ''But I do.''

''No, no, don't say that. Ugh, it was perfect until you said that.'' Tony whined, stretching his arm out to rub his hand along her leg. ''Wait? Why? I thought you didn't need to go in until twelve tomorrow.''

''It's not for work, I have a doctor's appointment.'' she told his casually.

Tony sat up instantly, looking at her in the eyes as if he was analyzing what could be wrong with her. ''Are you sick? Is it those migraines again? It's stress, isn't it? I knew it! You shouldn't be working so hard. I keep telling, and telling, and-''

''Tony,stop,'' she waved her arms to stop his rambling. ''There's nothing wrong with me. But there is something we need to talk about.'' Tony took notice of how serious she was speaking, knowing this was no time to joke around, whatever she needed to talk about worried him. ''Oh boy, just...please don't...I'm sorry, I don't know how to...to tell you.''

''Just tell me.'' he told her seriously. ''Whatever it is, just say it, because I'd rather know that not know.''

Pepper bit down on the inside of her lip, trying to prolong her pause before she spoke. She really was worried about how he would react, but there was no turning back now. ''Okay, please don't freak out...'' she warned him, watching as he nodded as best he could. ''I'm pretty sure that...I'm pregnant.''

Tony's expression didn't change, his eyes were still glued to hers as she watched him with anticipation. It wasn't as if he didn't understand what was happening, he received the message loud and clear, but he just didn't know how to react to it. Pepper was pregnant, it was his child, they were having a baby. It was all pretty easy to understand, and yet he kept having to repeat her words in his head. I'm pretty sure...

''Y-you're not sure?'' he asked softly, not wanting to give her the wrong idea about his feelings toward the idea.

Pepper nodded her head nervously. ''I took five different tests, and they're all positive. But I have to go to the doctor to make sure-''

''Wait, so all of those tests came back positive that you are pregnant?'' Pepper nodded, still unsure of how he was taking this. ''Well I think it's safe to say that you are.''

''You can't rely completely on those things, only a blood test at a doctor's office will actually give you a 100% accurate result.'' she told him, thinking he was freaking out.

''Yeah, that's a good idea, but Pepper, you are pregnant.'' he told her. ''Five tests, and they're all positive, there's no denying what that means.''

''I..I can't tell what you're thinking right now...'' she shook her head, and Tony had never seen her so worried about something before. ''I mean, is this what you want? I know we've never really talked about having kids, and it's not like we planned this...but it's happening, and I just...I wish I could read your thoughts.''

Tony shook his head in disbelief as she spoke. She was the one who was pregnant, and she was more concerned about how he was going to react. Of course he wanted to have kids with her, there was absolutely no one else he could picture himself having a family with. Sure, it wasn't planned, but they knew it would happen one day, that day just happened to be right now. They had everything they needed, it wasn't as if they were in a bad position. They had a house, a home, money wasn't an issue when they both ran Stark Industries, and they were married. There was nothing wrong with this picture.

''Do I want this? Of course I want this. I'm much more grown up than I used to be, Pepper, give me some credit.'' he told her playfully, trying to ease her worries.

''A baby, Tony.'' she told him firmly, trying to make him understand that this wasn't something to take lightly.

Tony chuckled. ''Yeah, a baby Pepper, I know. What, are you expecting me to jump off the bed and run for it?''

''Well...no, but-''

''You're crazy to think that I wouldn't want to have a baby with you Pepper Stark.'' he told her with a smile. ''Yeah, it's a little...unexpected, sure, but it's not like this wasn't ever going to happen.''

Pepper smiled as well. ''Really? You're not...freaked out?''

''Freaked out? I've never been so scared in my life! I just have a good poker face. Being a father...that is a scary thought, but it's with you. Don't you get that? I can do anything as long as you're there with me. This, a baby, as scared as I am and as freaked out as I will be every time I think about it...is right.''

Pepper's eyes were already tearing up while listening to Tony's words. She was just so glad that he didn't feel all of those things she was scared he would. He was actually excited, he wanted this just as much as she did, and although they were both scared, he was right. Together they could do anything. She leaned forward and kissed him with all of the emotion she was feeling in that moment, and his arms wrapped around her waist to pull her down on top of him.

''I love you.'' she told him as their lips parted for a few seconds.

''And I,'' he kissed her quickly. ''...love you too.''

Pepper sighed, resting her head on his chest. ''I can't believe this is happening.''

Tony rubbed his hand over her back, enjoying the feel of her soft skin against his. ''Me too...it's crazy. I knew something was going to happen, you know.''

Pepper looked up at him, resting her chin on her hand. ''What do you mean?''

''Well things were going so...I don't know, normally.'' he told her. ''Like, since when are our lives normal?

Pepper chuckled, understanding exactly what he meant. ''Mm, I suppose so.''

''Nah, I knew it.''

''Well thanks for the heads up.'' she joked.

''Couldn't ruin a surprise, could I?

The alarm buzzed at eight the next morning, waking Tony from his peaceful slumber and realizing the bed was empty next to him. He sighed and rolled over onto Pepper's side, instantly smelling her signature scent on the pillow. He could hear noises in the bathroom and sat completely still for a moment to make sure he was in fact hearing someone in there. Tony jumped off the bed and rushed to the door, pushing it open.

''Pepper-'' he called in a panicked tone, but there was no need to panic. Pepper was standing at the bathroom counter applying mascara to her eyelashes, pausing for a moment to give him a confused look. ''Sorry...I thought you were...I thought something was wrong.''

She shook her head casually. ''Nope, I'm okay.''

''Really? Don't you get, like...throwing up.'' he spoke in a jumble, not trying to sound like an idiot.

Pepper laughed slightly. ''No, I don't 'get throwing up'. It's called morning sickness, and it doesn't happen every morning.''

Tony nodded as if he knew. ''Right, yeah, that's what I meant.''

''I'm fine, Tony. There's no need to worry.'' she finished with the mascara and sat it back down on in the little basket she had for all of her beauty products. ''Did you want to come with me today?''

Tony's eyes widened. ''Are you serious? I wasn't not going to come with you, Pepper.''

''Okay, I'm sorry, I just know how you are with doctors and anything related to dealing with them.'' she raised her hands in defense.

''That's when the subject is me, not you, and especially not when it's as important as this.'' he told her honestly. ''When's the appointment?''

''I have to be there at nine.''

Tony smiled then. ''Good, I'll get ready now.''

As Tony walked out of the bathroom, Pepper couldn't help smile at the fact he was so committed to this already. She knew he would be caring and all, but from most movies she had seen, it usually took the father a while until they fully adjusted to the idea that they were going to actually have a child. Again, she was referring back to movies, because she really hadn't dealt with anything like this before. She had no idea what it was like to be pregnant, to have someone growing inside of her body, she was clueless. All she wanted was to know that everything was okay, that's all. Healthy and happy, that's all she wanted.

''Tony, would you please stop tapping your feet.'' Pepper told him in an annoyed tone.

Ever since the doctor had left the room to retrieve Pepper's results, he couldn't stop fidgeting. If it wasn't his fingers tapping against the seat, his teeth chattering in his mouth or his feet tapping against the ground, he was humming a tune that sounded like one he would play in his workshop all day.

''Can't help it.'' he told her in a monotone voice as if he really couldn't control his actions.

''Well you're driving me insa-''

''Alright, Mrs. Stark,'' The doctor walked back into the room. Her name was Dr. Tate and she made the whole situation much more calm every time she spoke, she had such a calming voice. ''I have your results.'' Pepper and Tony exchanged looks as their hands locked together. Dr. Tate opened the file she carried in and pulled out the first piece of paper on top, looking over to see if the couple were ready to hear the news. ''Congratulations, you're pregnant.''

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