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她逼着我崩溃看着我难过让我失望想成为压死我的最后-根稻草可我不恨她也不讨厌她我就是想不明白我那么爱她她怎么会这样子对我。She forced me to collapse, look at me sad, let me down, want to be the last straw to crush me, but I don't hate her, I don't hate her, I just don't understand how I love her so much that she would do this to me.

我又有多少爱供你消遣How much love do I have to amuse you?


却执着着不该执着的执着I'm used to habits I shouldn't be used to. But persistent should not be persistent persistent.


我希望早点嫁给你If love gets boring. I hope to marry you soon.


希望你一直在我身边I wish on this sunset glow I hope you will always be by my side.

没有很快乐 也没有不快乐

好像不该这样 但也只能这样Not very happy, not unhappy. It doesn't seem like it should be, but it has to be.


在遇见你那天都有了着落Want to see the mountains, seas, lakes, sunsets and stars On the day I met you.


可迎万难Because I like it. Can meet all difficulties.


可以吹来很多夏天的好消息I hope the evening breeze in August It can blow a lot of good news of summer.


人间皆是浪漫The sunset is especially gentle. The world is full of romance.

最易忘却故人诗,最不屑一顾是相思The most easily forgotten poem, the most disdainful is Acacia.


对我的好 不好我都记的清清楚楚


再喜欢也要与你诀别I am a particularly rational person.

I am not good for me.

I like to tell you any more.

我可以一个人,坐地铁一直到终点,也可以,一个人看电影到凌晨六点。你以为我过的孤独,我只是想过的舒服。 ​​I can be alone, sitting on the subway until the end, or some people watch movies at 6 am. You think that I have been lonely, I just thought about it.

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