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清程翘着美腿定定地望住对面的沈恒,确定他的表情无異,没有再"犯病"或者生气的想法,便打算起身离开了,毕竟今天晚上还有一只小狼狗等着要哄呢. Well, one less time is one time.

"Where are you going?" 沈恒saw her intention to leave, and hurriedly pursued it.

He had long legs and caught up with her in three or two steps. Qingcheng was blocked at the door and said angrily: "Get out of the way, 我要回去趕論文了.

沈恆 snickered, "Why~ Don't you want Professor Shen to talk about the thesis with you?"

Hearing his 噯味voice, 清程turned his head and rolled her eyes. She was too lazy to return. .

Shen Heng ignored Qingcheng's seemingly pushing away, still smiling brightly, picked her up and walked towards the desk, lowered his head and gently kissed Qingcheng's pink lips, flaps, and rubbed her forehead against her. s hair

"Blam me, I left you in the cold last night, give me a chance, let Professor Shen~ compensate you well!"

亲妈作者改了這種方法,需要把這章的文字google translate看,直接看會有語法問題,抱歉各位,只有這種方法才不會被鎖,辛苦各位lsp了,不過不看不影響內容



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