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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



觉醒者(现在丧尸修炼的太快了,人类修炼的太慢,要想办法把人类修炼方法提上去)(Zombies are practicing too fast now, and human beings are practicing too slowly. We must find a way to bring up human cultivation methods.)

炎黄2队(首领,我说过了,吸收丧尸掉落的核晶可以用来修炼,你又不信)(chief, as I said, absorbing the nuclear crystal dropped by zombies can be used for cultivation, but you don't believe it.)

觉醒者(不行,太冒险了,如果有人会变成丧尸怎么办?)(No, it's too risky. What if someone turns into a zombie? )

炎黄2队(……那你自己看着办吧,这是基地全部核晶了,)(..... Then do it at your own will. This is all the nuclear crystals in the base.)

觉醒者(……找几个人过来吧,让他们吸收核晶)(... find a few people to come over and let them absorb the nuclear crystal)

(军队里几个人吸收了核晶,实力增加了不少)(Several people in the army absorbed the nuclear crystal, and their strength increased a lot.)

觉醒者(……一次20个人,分次吸收核晶,这样子发生了以外还有法子)(... 20 people at a time, absorbing nuclear crystals in several times, there are other ways besides this)

炎黄2队(是!)(yes! )

(军队里吸收核晶的任务有条不紊的进行,但是,夜晚最后一批人吸收核晶时,有一个人发生了变异,成为了丧尸)(The task of absorbing nuclear crystals in the army was carried out in an orderly manner, but when the last batch of people absorbed nuclear crystals at night, one person changed and became a zombie)

觉醒者(怎么会这样!,前面的人都好好的,怎么就最后一个人感染了)(How did that happen! , in front of the people are fine, how is the last person infected)

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