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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



贝贝(不太可能啊,楼下2只丧尸明明是有人故意安排在哪里的,就是不让人发现这个秘密 ,怎么会不把你杀了呢?)(It's impossible. It's obvious that there are two zombies downstairs. Just don't let people find out the secret. How can you not kill you? )

贝贝(真奇怪……行了下面的丧尸都被我清理完了,你该干什么干什么吧,我走了)(It's strange ... come on, I've cleaned up all the zombies below. Do what you should do. I'm leaving.)

普通人(大哥,你带我走吧,我一个普通人,我能去哪?)(eldest brother, you take me away, I am an ordinary person, where can I go? )

贝贝(第一我不是慈母,第2,老子都不认识你,凭什么带你一起?凭你可以拖我后腿吗?)(First, I am not a loving mother. Second, I don't know you. Why should I take you with me? Can you hold me back? )

(贝贝走到珠宝店楼下)(Beibei walks downstairs to the jewelry store)

普通人(你……必须死)(you ... must die)

贝贝(呵……猜的果然没错,b级巅峰,难搞啊)(Oh ... guess it's true, B-class peak, it's difficult.)

贝贝(前面有尸潮啊,杀过去?算了快天黑了,去找一个地方吧)(there is a corpse tide ahead, kill it? Forget it. It's getting dark. Go find a place.)

(里珠宝店不远有一个汽车店,贝贝准备在里面住一晚)There is a car shop not far from the jewelry store, and Beibei is going to stay in it for one night

(夜晚,城市里,风雨交加电闪雷鸣,)(at night, in the city, there are storms, lightning and thunder.)

贝贝(……这些丧尸好像有意往我这里来……)(..... These zombies seem to be interested in coming to me ...)

贝贝(不会那个人就是这片区域的老大吧?)(Can't that person be the boss of this area? )

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