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让龙群在哪里筑巢怎么样……虫族在监狱,魔物跟着啊鲁……不错,影龙,带着龙群去那个研究所,有需要就叫你们How about letting the dragons nest where ... The Zerg is in prison, and the magic thing follows Lu ... Yes, Shadow Dragon, take the dragons to the research institute, and call you if necessary

龙群(好,知道了,)(OK, I see.)

周墨枫(行了 都散了吧,该干什么干什么去)(come on, it's all gone, do what you have to do)

周墨枫(现在要干什么啊,没什么干的啊,只能发呆吗……)(What are you going to do now? There is nothing to do. You can only be in a daze ...)

系统(修炼啊,到A阶后期不香吗,你小弟都知道修炼,有几个已经超过你了知道不(Practice, isn't it fragrant in the late A stage? Your younger brother knows practice, and several of them have surpassed you, don't you know

周墨枫(好像还真是,A阶后期啊,听起来还不错,系统我要闭关,不到A阶后期不出来!)(It seems to be really, late A-stage, it sounds good, I want to close the system, and I won't come out until late A-stage! )

系统(哦,你修炼修炼呗,喊那么大声干什么)(Oh, why are you shouting so loudly?)

黑鬼(老大,我们去哪里啊,这里就交给炎黄一队了吗?)(eldest brother, where are we going? are we going to yanhuang team one here? )

尸王(一个城市玩腻了,换一个城市玩玩,去远一点的地方,听说西边的人和炎黄人还不一样)(I'm tired of playing in a city, change to another city, go to a farther place, I heard that people in the west are different from people in Yanhuang.)

本章完End of this chapter

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