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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



周墨枫(行了,叫几个觉醒者进来消消毒就好了)(OK, just call some awakened people in and disinfect them.)

周墨枫(没事了,都出去吧,看来这次燃血还是有点多啊)(It's okay, go out, it seems that there is still a little more blood burning this time.)

公孙离(老大,你来了怎么不说一声)(eldest brother, why didn't you tell me when you came)

周墨枫(哈哈,刚来就忙着治病呢)(Ha ha, I was busy treating diseases when I first arrived.)

公孙离(老大,我们清理出来的c区又被丧尸占领了)(eldest brother, the c area we cleared out was occupied by zombies again)

周墨枫(我刚刚从哪里过来,知道了,找个时间把几个基地都扩起来啊)(I just came from where, I know, find a time to expand several bases.)


周墨枫早知道这样应该弄点范围大的防御设施。Early know this should get a wide range of defense facilities.

系统(没必要,系统里面有创新多的防护设施啊。)(No need, there are many innovative protective facilities in the system. )

周墨枫(嗯行吧,先攒点钱,然后再买。)Yes, save some money first, and then buy it. )

系统(对了,军队里开了一到裂缝,里面有好东西,你要去拿)(By the way, there is a crack in the army. There are good things in it. You have to get them.)

周墨枫(这你都能知道?说吧什么东西?)You can know all this? Go ahead. What is it? )

系统(水灵珠,可以用来加强玄武。)(Moist beads can be used to strengthen basaltic. )

周墨枫行,4神兽过来 ,走我们去军队里玩一圈OK, 4 beasts come and go. Let's go and play in the army

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