话本小说网 > 玄幻奇幻小说 > 墨枫带你末世求生
本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



尸王(行了,我知道你怎么想的,都说了你不是对手,你要想打就打吧)(OK, I know what you think. I said you are no match. If you want to fight, fight.)

黑鬼(好!奔雷掌!让我来见识见识你的实力)(good! Rush thunder palm! Let me see your strength)

周墨枫(看起来有智商,看看这样子能不能对丧尸产生伤害)(It seems to have IQ, see if it can hurt zombies)

周墨枫(精神防御!意识攻击!)(mental defense! Consciousness attack! )

黑鬼(,没用的,哈哈!死!)It's no use, haha! Die! )

周墨枫(看来精神力没用了,不过……要是化形呢?)(It seems that the spirit is useless, but ... What if it is taxiing? )

周墨枫(剑来!万箭穿心!)(Sword! Ten thousand arrows pierce the heart! )


周墨枫(这就是传说中的用意念杀人吧,哈哈,来结束吧!风火令!破!)(This is the legendary killing with the mind, haha, come to an end! Wind and fire! Broken! )

尸王(好了,切磋切磋嘛,点到为止,这位朋友,没意见吧?)(Well, let's learn from each other. Now, my friend, is that all right? )

周墨枫(能快速打断我的风火令,尸王,你也不简单哪)(can quickly interrupt my wind and fire command, resin king, you are not simple either)

尸王(哈哈哈,也就活了几千万年而已,什么都会一点而已了)(Ha, ha, ha, I have lived for tens of millions of years, and I know nothing.)

周墨枫(哈哈,有道理,技多不压身吗)(Ha ha, it makes sense, don't you have more skills?)

尸王(好了,我们还有事,丧尸们,送客)(Well, we have work to do, zombies, Fujian)

尸王(尸巢穴里幸存者都死的死伤的伤)(The survivors in the corpse nest are all dead and wounded)

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