话本小说网 > 玄幻奇幻小说 > 墨枫带你末世求生
本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



尸.炎黄一队(嘿嘿,来笑一个)(Hey, hey, smile)

黑鬼(It's not a man in the army. There are many strange things, but ... it's useless to me! Chop! )(不亏是军队的人,稀奇古怪的东西就是多,但是……对我来说没用!斩!)

尸.炎黄一队(来吧,都拿出自己的真正实力吧,兽王附体!)(come on, show your real strength, BM possessed! )

尸.炎黄一队(嘿嘿,鬼甩棍!鬼抬头!)(Hey hey, ghost throw a stick! Ghost head up! )

尸.炎黄一队(out-of-body experience! Mental attack! )(灵魂出窍!精神攻击!)

黑鬼(哈哈哈哈,这么强大的力量,给老大当小弟肯定不错,都给我死!猛焰斩!)(Ha, ha, ha, ha, such a powerful force, it must be good to be the younger brother of the eldest brother, give me death! Fierce flame chop! )

尸.炎黄一队(make, this guy is a person? Why is it so hard that it can't move at all?)(搞,这家伙是人吗?怎么这么硬根本打不动啊,)

尸.炎黄一队(马上兽王的时间要过去了,快点速战速决)(Beastmaster's time will pass soon, hurry up and make a quick decision)

黑鬼(都说了,给我死一下!听不懂吗!斩!)(said, give me die! Don't you understand! Chop! )


(炎黄一队3人,卒~)(Yanhuang No.1 team, 3 people, died ~)

黑鬼(呼……带回去让老大改造一下吧)(shout ... take it back and let the boss transform it)

异界人(丧尸太多了,我们完全不是对手啊。)(there are too many zombies, we are no match at all. )

黑鬼(速战速决)速战速决fight a battle of quick decision

丧尸(是!放开了杀!一个不留)(yes! Let go of the killing! None left)

异界人(丧尸怎么突然这么猛了,跑!赶紧跑)(zombie how suddenly so fierce, run! Run quickly)

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