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觉醒者我们再农场的地窖里生活的,我们还有老人,食物不多了我们才出来的We live in the cellar of the farm, we still have the old man, we didn't come out of food

周墨枫(这样啊,你们最好别耍什么花招)(Well, you'd better not play any tricks)

周墨枫(你们清理完了跟我来!)Come with me when you're done cleaning up! )

龙群(老大怎么了?)(What's the matter with the boss? )

周墨枫(如果这伙人没有问题的话就带他们庇护所)(If this group has no problems, take them to the shelter)

龙群(知道了)Got it.

周墨枫(走吧,我们去看看?)(走吧,我们去看看?)Come on, let's go and have a look? )

觉醒者(是是是)是是是Yes, yes, yes

(觉醒者带着周墨枫走到一个地窖)(wake up with Zhou Mofeng went to a cellar)

觉醒者(开门!外面安全了)Open The Door It's safe outside.)

(地窖里几名普通人连忙开门)(地窖里几名普通人连忙开门)(a few ordinary people hurriedly open the door in the cellar)

普通人(刚刚外面怎么回事啊?我们听见很大的像声啊)(刚刚外面怎么回事啊?我们听见很大的像声啊)(What happened outside just now? We heard a lot of noise.)

觉醒者没什么事,是这位大哥在清理丧尸)It's nothing, is the eldest brother in cleaning up zombies)

普通人(哦,行了,进来吧别在门口站着了)(Oh, come on in. Stop standing at the door.)

周墨枫(你们走里就你们2个觉醒者吗?)Are you the only two awakened ones in your walk? )

觉醒者(嗯,是啊,我们家就在这农场,丧尸来领的时候没想跑,也没机会跑就一直留在这里了)(Well, yes, our family is on this farm. When the zombies came to the collar, they didn't want to run, and they didn't have a chance to run and stayed here.)

本章完End of this chapter

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