话本小说网 > 玄幻奇幻小说 > 墨枫带你末世求生
本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



周墨枫(剑灵,虽然你认主还没有多久,你会帮我吧?)(sword spirit, although you recognize the Lord is not long, will you help me? )

剑灵(你这不废话么……)(you this is not nonsense...)

周墨枫(行,有你帮忙我就无敌了哈哈哈)(OK, I am invincible with your help, hahaha)

剑灵(……就挺无语,你脑子多少有点问题)(... is quite speechless, your brain is a bit of a problem)

周墨枫(剑灵怎么还会骂人?)(sword spirit how can call names? )

贝贝(6点了,老大)(6 o'clock, boss)

周墨枫(那还愣着干嘛?我们要开战了!)(What are you still doing? We're going to war! )

周墨枫(记住多找的人来,这么多武器,前期还是有点用的)(Remember to find more people, so many weapons, the early stage is still a bit useful)

贝贝(知道了!)Got it. )

周墨枫(出发!)Departure )

(六点钟已经有很多打工人出来打工了看见周墨枫一行人躲的躲闪的闪)(six o'clock has a lot of workers come out to work, see Zhou Mofeng line of people hide dodge flash)

普通人(这群人什么毛病?大早上这么多人逛什么?)What's wrong with these people? What are so many people shopping in the morning? )

周墨枫(分散开来,开始狩猎!)(Spread out and start hunting! )

周墨枫(就用拳头就好了别用武技啊)(Just use your fists, don't use martial arts)

卡拉尼斯(对付这种低能儿,还不需要用武技吧?)(to deal with this kind of imbecile, also don't need to use wushu? )

周墨枫(行了行了,搞快点,你真是逼王)(OK, come on, hurry up, you are really pushing the king)

系统(前方医院开始感染,丧尸已经出来了)(in front of the hospital began to infection, zombies have come out)


周墨枫(OK, XuanYuanJian! )

普通人(卧槽?变魔术?好活当赏!)Fuck Magic? A good job is a reward! )

(下一秒丧尸出现在这人眼前)(the next second zombies appear in front of the man)



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