话本小说网 > 玄幻奇幻小说 > 墨枫带你末世求生
本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



系统(所以你现在要干嘛呢?)So what are you going to do now? )

周墨枫(找一个坚固的地方……找食物……虽然我们不用吃东西,但是其他人是普通人,还要教他们修炼……)(Find a strong place... Find food... Although we don't have to eat, but others are ordinary people, but also teach them to practice...)

系统(所以还不快去!)(so don't go! )

系统(100亿打你卡里了)(10 billion hits you in the card)

周墨枫(好家伙,我什么时候这么有钱了?)Boy, when did I get so rich? )

系统(金币换的)(in gold coins)

系统(行吧,如果是平行世界的话这附近我觉得有个废弃的军事基地,但是有人管……先租下了吧)(OK, if it is a parallel world, I think there is an abandoned military base nearby, but someone is in charge... rent it first)

(周墨枫忙完了军事基地的事情后就是食物了……这个b是真的变态……把周围的食物,水,都买下来了,还有几台冰箱……和柴油发电机……和无数的油和药)(After Zhou Mofeng finished the military base, it was food... This b is really abnormal... I bought the food and water around me, and there are several refrigerators... and diesel generators... and countless Oil and medicine)

周墨枫(有钱真好)It's good to have money.

周墨枫(行了,墨枫避难所……3天后开业!)(all right, the ink maple shelter... Open in 3 days! )

系统(现在爽了?是不是该修炼了?你才70级啊)(Is it cool now? Isn't it time to practice? You are only 70)

周墨枫(行吧,2天200级!系统……丹药和灵气都帮我吸收)(OK, 200 days in 2 days! System... Dan medicine and reiki to help me absorb)

系统(好家伙说修炼……我帮你吸收……)(and boy said practice... I help you to absorb...)

系统(你就搁这躺着)(You just lie here)


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