话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 当我成为猫来到小马利亚
本书标签: 动漫同人  小马宝莉同人 

















twilght's gourney


Life is full of change,生活充满了变化,Nothing stays the same,没什么保持不变,No matter how we try to slow it,无论我们如何想要减慢它,Time keeps slipping by; you know, it,你知道的,时间一直流逝,Seems like yesterday,似乎就像昨天,When we came each other's way,当初我们来到彼此的路上,And now I can't help wonder why,现在我止不住去想为什么,Already, it's time to say goodbye,好吧,是时候说再见了,For with a closing door,一扇门关上,Another surely opens,一定会有另一扇打开,Just you wait and see,你只需等待并观察,And when you look back,当你回头,On where we've been together,我在你身边,Wherever you may be,无论你在哪,I hope that you remember me,我希望你记得我,Memories we made,我们的回忆,Will begin to fade,开始变浅,And though I'll miss you so my friend,尽管我将想念你我的朋友,It's a beginning, not an end,这只是开始,而非结束,Good will come to we who wait,好事将降临等待的我们,Trusting, but not tempting fate,坚信不是很诱人的命运,And even as the moments fly,此刻时光飞逝,Already, it's time to say goodbye,好了,是时候说再见了,For with a closing door,一扇门关上,Another surely opens,一定有另一扇打开,Just you wait and see,你只需等待并观察,(Just you wait and see ),你只需等待并观察,And when you look back,当你回头,On where we've been together,我在你身边,Wherever you may be,无论你在哪,I hope that you remember me,我希望你记得我,Some may call it happenstance,有些人可能称它为偶然,But I do not believe in chance,但我不相信机会,And though I don't know where or when,虽然我不知道何时何地,Our paths will one day cross again,前路将会再次重叠,For with a closing door,一扇门关上,Another surely opens,一定有另一扇打开,Just you wait and see,你只需等待并观察,(Just you wait and see ),你只需等待并观察,And when you look back,当你回头,On where we've been together,我在你身边,Wherever you may be,无论你在哪,I hope that you remember me,我希望你记得我,Ihope that you remember me,我希望你记得我,

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