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江楚江楚喜欢你,所以你被簇拥包围,你走的路要繁花盛开,要人声鼎沸。(I like you, so you are surrounded, you walk in the path of flowers and people.)

江楚你最耀眼了,春天的和风挤进书页间,夏天的黄昏,浮着花草香,秋天的月色停在路灯下,冬天的细雪敲打着玻璃窗,见过你之后,风花雪月都黯淡无光。(You are the most dazzling, the wind in spring crowded into the pages, the summer evening, floating flowers and flowers fragrance, the autumn moonlight stopped under the street lamp, the winter snow beat the window, after seeing you, wind, flowers, snow and moon are bleak.)

江楚最是人间留不住,朱颜辞镜花辞树。(The most is the world can not stay, Zhu Yan ci mirror flower ci tree.)

江楚请不要被周围的庸俗来消灭了你的浪漫。(Please don't let the vulgarity around to kill your romance.)

江楚见过无数鲸落 看过漫天星辰 唯守一片寂静 最终只念那一人。(I've seen a lot of whales, I've seen a lot of stars, I've seen a lot of silence, and I just think about that one person).

江楚她是浩瀚宇宙中被遗弃的飞船,沉寂多年的对讲机里,他是唯一的应答。(She is an abandoned spaceship in the vast universe, silent for many years in the intercom, he is the only answer.)

江楚比起放在店里每天购买的玫瑰 我更喜欢漫山遍野的向日葵。(I prefer sunflowers to the roses I buy every day in the store.)

江楚我的月亮永悬不落 我的向日葵永远向阳而开 我的爱意至死不渝。(My moon will never fall and my sunflower will always turn on the sun and my love will die.)

江楚白鸽停留的教堂可能没有玫瑰,但乡间麦野的向日葵却簇簇盛开。(There may be no roses in the church where the dove stays, but there are sunflowers in the wheat field.)

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