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有一种女孩既不是太阳也不是月亮 努力又平庸 自卑又内敛 她是尘埃 风一吹 连痕迹也没有

There is a kind of girl who is neither the sun nor the moon, who is hardworking, mediocre, self abased and introverted. She is dust and wind, and has no trace.


I don't have good photos, bangs will be messy, not thin enough, not tall enough, not beautiful enough, not gentle enough, bad temper, sudden care will make me scared


Rotten days are perfect match for lazy me

你是女孩子 是柔软和爱.

Rotten days are perfect match for lazy me

我把好多东西都看的太透彻了 身上的压力和担子越来越重 想的东西越来越多 好像忘记了我才十几岁 在这个年纪里 我应该扎着高马尾穿着干净的校服 每天快快乐乐背着书包去上学 而不是苦恼于谁喜欢我 谁不喜欢我

I see a lot of things too thoroughly. The pressure and burden on me are more and more. I think more and more about things. I seem to forget that I am only a teenager. At this age, I should wear a high ponytail and a clean school uniform and go to school happily with my schoolbag every day instead of worrying about who likes me and who doesn't like me


I'm extremely rational. I can bear any cost. I don't say a word. I stop losses in time. I don't contact and disturb. I can even destroy my feelings that I care too much.

我的性格就是这样 高兴的时候拼命的说话 不高兴的时候可以整天都不说话 我不会记仇 但谁对我好我都很清楚

My character is like this. When I'm happy, I try my best to speak. When I'm not happy, I don't speak all day. But I know who is good to me


Sometimes I feel that my mouth is so fierce, my heart is half as fierce as my mouth, and I'm not so tired to live.

只要不注重细节 不过分期待 不说反话 就不会难过了不是嘛

As long as we don't pay too much attention to details, we won't be sad

我配不上你的权衡利弊的选择 你配不上我的忠诚炽热的爱意

I'm not worthy of your choice. You're not worthy of my loyal and passionate love


It's not unusual. I can't do other people's little girls

我要做那个最特别的 没有为什么 我就要

I'm going to do the most special one. Why don't I

别人每天精致的很 我天天素颜穿的跟熊一样 除了干饭啥也不会 穿的跟乡下来的 帅哥见我都绕道走

Other people are very delicate every day. I wear plain clothes like bears every day. I don't wear anything except dry food. I take a detour with the handsome boys from the countryside

女孩子特别擅长的三件事:注重细节 过分期待 爱说反话.

Girls are especially good at three things: attention to detail, too much expectation, love to say irony

上一章 “普普通通却能置顶很久的短句” 温柔文案馆……最新章节 下一章 “那些讽刺性很强让你看了瞬间清醒的文案”