话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > TNT:弟弟别乱撩
本书标签: 明星同人  迪丽热巴  吴宣仪     



Just click on my homepage, and then there is a follow-up to the book about Lan Wangji. # Xiao Yihan 0.02K/s 17:17 34% "Wang Yibo!"! Get your ass in the study! "!" In the guest Jin, came out Xiao Zhan's ring. "Elder brother ~ ~ senior ~ ~ ah!"! !! Don't! "Wang Yibo is holding on to the banister.". Xiao Zhan threw Wang Yibo's chest: "You let me go!" "! You, boy! You're getting good at it! ! A day of class not to do business, not only talk, but also dare to quarrel with the teacher! "I'm not your brother if I don't praise you today!" Wang Yibo hugged the wooden staircase handrail and shouted: "Brother ~ ~ Brother ~ ~ can't blame me, it's the old woman, ah, not the teacher, she insisted on quarreling with me, I just said a few words, brother ~" You dare to say! ! You have a long face when you talk in class, don't you! Ranran can't stop it! I'm telling you, you're dead today! ! "" Ah ~ ~ senior! Brother ~ dear brother ~ ~ you. You are going to take the exam soon, don't waste time on me, hurry up, hurry back to review ah.. "Humph!"! I don't have to do my thing.你操心,I will have time to play you even if I take the college entrance examination tomorrow! "Let me go!" “ # Xiao Yihan 138K/s 17:32 30% Before the car slowly entered a villa in the three cities alone, familiar scenes slowly emerged in Wang Yibo's mind. He slowly took off his white headphones and looked at the same scene as six years ago. He remembered that in a corner of the garden, there had been a figure of himself and his parents walking. On the goose warm stone path among the flowers, there were also footprints of their own. "Dad.." "Mom.." The door of memory, which had been sealed for six years, was opened. Wang Yibo's tears slowly fell. Lin Junjie's song, 'If you are not a hero, don't read the Three Kingdoms; if you are a hero, how can you not understand loneliness?' Slowly came from his headphones. Lonely? In the past six years, I'm afraid I'm the only one who knows the loneliness. Wang Yibo slowly snails up the feather leg, hugs the knee to sit on the car seat, buries the face into the arm, the tear is more and more intelligent, how all cannot stop. Xiao Zhan got out of the car, from the window to see Wang Yibo so shrink in the car crying, Mou light gentle like the pool under the moon. He opened the copilot's door and pulled Wang Yibo into his arms.????

# 涵 0 0.90k / s "Wang Yelo! You gave me to the study!" "Guest, it has passed the gentle of Xiao Wan. "Brother ~~ Student ~~ Ah !!! Don't !!" Wang Yibo grabbed the stair handrail. Xiao Wan spleen Wang Yibo's arm: "You give me a hand! You are a little child !! Wooden stair armover yell:

"Brother ~ ~ brother ~ ~ can't blame me, is the old woman, ah, not a teacher, she is hard to quarrel with me, I just said that there are a few words, brother ~" You dare to say! ! You talk to the long face in lessons! I can't stop! I tell you, you are dead today! "Ah ~~ Search! My brother, my brother, ~~ You ... You must take the exam soon, don't waste time in me, hurry, hurry back to review ... ""Humph! I don't have to worry about you, I don't want to hold the armor. "Okay! You don't make it right!" Xiao Yao's feet tickled, Wang Yibao tricks, then Xiao Wan pulled Wang Yifabo's colorels directly to pick up the guest, pressing the belt of Wang Yibo on the sofa armrest . "Ah !! Don't, don't, my brother is playing, don't fight! I am wrong, don't you don't don't take off my trousers!" Wang Yibo is not good. "

I have a hurry. Xiao Wan pulled down the pants of the king of the classmates, and the belt took it up. "I am too lazy to tell you the truth! You are clear about anyone! Give me a good one !!" "Say, hit the same place. The self-sundial skin is booming, then slowly. "Ah - brother ~~ Don't! Raw! Hurt !!" Wang Yibo kept struggling, but unfortunately, he couldn't use it at all this posture. "You give me the old man!

"It's a fast five to push it in the same place." ~~~! !! Brother - I am wrong! I was wrong! what! ! "Wang Yibao hurts straight to the leg, tears fall on the sofa, immediately disappear, leaving only a small piece of water ..." 啪! It is also five, now Wang Yibo's buttocks all over the three wide rides, and the hurts and the classmates are dry.行了!我不想打你。这次期末考,You have a total of nine exams in the first year of high school, and the total score must be more than eight hundred and fifty, or we will calculate the old and new accounts together! "Do you hear me?" Xiao Yi taught a lesson in a cold voice. "Huh?"? "Eight hundred and fifty.." Oh my God! "Is there a problem?" Xiao Yihan raised his eyebrows. "No.." "No.." Nonsense! Certainly can only say no! Otherwise, I won't be able to sit on the bench tomorrow. "All right!"! "Go and eat!" Xiao Yihan got up, (restored the gentle brother, rubbed Xiao Yiyou's). # Xiao Yihan 23.0K/s Ran was also embarrassed to bury his head all the time. "I am used to.." Xiao Zhan calmly drank a mouthful of juice and continued to eat. Xiao Yihan did not say anything, just smiled. What about.. Trying to make a meal.. Far Away. Anthomaniac a: Wow! All four of them are here! So handsome ~ ~ nymphomaniac B: Yes, yes! Come on, come on! Zhi, take some pictures! Anthomaniac C: Do you think President Xiao and Wang Xuedi are the ones who suffer from flower disease? B: No.了!”王一博提着个箱干火急火燥地跑下 楼。由于过于慌张,再加上年上又提着种东西, 王一博脚下一个不留神踩空,身体重心不稳,直 接就摔了下去。“Careful! Xiao Zhan quickly put down the bag in the middle of the year and stepped forward. Wang Yibo threw himself on Xiao Zhan's body, the box turned to one side, Xiao Zhan also did not stand firm, fell on his back to the ground. "I have to admit, Mr. Wang's face..". It's red. "Fool!"! ! Get up right now! !! You're dead heavy! !! "Xiao Zhan was pinned down and could not move.". Wang Yibo quickly got up and knelt on the ground: "Ah!"! Excuse me! I, I did not stand firm. "" Hiss.. "Xiao Zhan sat up, squinting rubbing the waist, raised his hand according to Xiao Zhan's head is once:" since the disease ah you! ! "Go down the stairs slowly, don't you?" "And..". "I'm sorry.." Wang Yibo felt his nose dry and his face was flabby. "Help me up!"! !”

肖亦涵0.00K/s9%...17:21 ...我好像没有对你说过吧,我爸 是知道的。”肖战笑了笑。“什么??”竟然知道,这,这.....“桐柯他,不介意吗?”嗯....是曾经有介意过啦,不过,我又群不回来,所以,没办法啦。”“那你怎么不早点告诉我啊!”王一博炸毛。“哈?我以为你早就知道了啊!我爸上次已经那样明示暗示过了,你.....”肖战有些惊讶。 有....有吗?”真的有吗? 啊....不会就是那句话吧.......以 后和战战在一起,应该也不会吃什么苦吧。 唉~不是吧.....竟然...”“哦!终于觉 悟了!”肖战警了王一博一眼,然后德德嘴。切!”王一博转过 头。----------------- ---------个装饰豪华 的房间里,沙发上坐着一个男人,房间的四角站着四个黑衣保镇。男人对面的沙发上坐着一个一副紧张神情的中年人。“你就是那小子的姨吧。”男人弹弹烟灰,开口。中年人冷汗滑著唉,是,是我。”“别紧张,我们是一路”男人挥挥平,立刻有人上前,打开一个黑色手提箱,里面是整整一箱红艳艳的钞票“如果这次成功了,我会再付给你三倍。”中年人的眼睛一直没有离开过桌上的箱干,仿不选地点头回应:“唉,好,好,放心,我一定,一定办到。” 0.05K/8G...16:35 2020/3/2915:46 三十一章 其提上行李箱,跟着肖战上楼。“啊~ 战,你回来了啊。”从楼上下来一位和满的大妈。肖战冲着那位大妈笑笑:“阿姨。”大妈笑着拍拍肖战的肩膀,一脸笑眯眯的样干:“N战,我记得你上次回来好像是去年过年的时候吧,真是的,一年没见,愈发的帅会了啊。”肖战笑得眼睛都弯了,一副谦虚的样子,王一博越看越不爽,明明心里兴奋得都快炸开花了,还装谦谦君子。“喉?这位是.....”那位大妈终于看见了站在一边的王一博。“哦,他,是我的一”肖战偏过头去看他,他是什么啊?弟弟?还是....女朋友??“呢,你好,我是肖学长的学弟。因为学业上有事要请教,所以就来打扰一段时间。”王一博笑得一脸春风和照。“是这样啊,真是一表人才。好了,我要出去买些东西,先走了啊。”“恩,阿姨再见。”肖战笑着摆摆平。“哥,刚刚那是谁啊。”王一博一边上情,一达问走在前面的普味。“联,始是住体楼

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