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本书标签: 短篇  宝藏文案  温柔文案   



我遇见了好多人 错过了好多人 听过好多话但是我不知道他们说的哪句话是真的。

I met a lot of people, missed a lot of people, heard a lot of words, but I don't know what they said is true.

人家已经往前走了 就你还留在原地.

Others have moved on while you remain where you are.

为什么两个人呆一块就有说有笑 在手机上却总是吵架呢.

Why two people stay a piece of talking and laughing on the phone but always quarrel.

昨天晚上我梦到你了 你低着头笑眯眯的看着我 问我干嘛一直盯着你 我问你为什么丢下我.

Last night, I dreamed about you. You looked down at me with a smile and asked me why I was staring at you. I asked why you left me.

那股喜欢的劲 夹杂着委屈退下去又不断涨上来 反反复复 起起落落.

The strength of the love mixed with grievances to retreat and continue to rise up and down again and again.

好像都是男生先爱 女生慢慢沦陷 男生新鲜劲过头了女生卑微乱想 原来这是女生的通病.

It seems that the boys love the girls first slowly fell into the boys fresh strength over the girls humble disorderly think that this is the common fault of the girls.

其实我很早就没有那么喜欢你了 我现在所做的一切都是因为舍不得 我也是第一次那么喜欢一个男孩子.

In fact, I did not like you so early I now do everything because I am loathe to give up the first time so like a boy.


I don't know how you know her.I don't know why you like him so much.


Actually, I'm afraid that someone suddenly cares about me.I'm afraid I'll become addicted. I'm afraid the person will just play.I'm afraid I can't let go.

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