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Please keep your heart shaking, because someone is waiting for you to resonate.

慢慢来真的不是拒绝 是慢热 是想慢慢了解他 是想让彼此更熟悉喜欢对方 可惜没有人会等我那么久才回我.

Slowly, it's really not a refusal, it's a slow heat, I want to get to know him slowly, I want to make each other more familiar and like each other, but it's a pity that no one will wait for me so long to return to me.

我知道这个年纪遇见的人并没结果 但是你很特别 我舍不得

I know the people I met at this age didn’t work out, but you are very special and I can’t bear to

你我素谋未面 心动是我送你的第一份礼物.

You and I have never met. Heartbeat is my first gift to you.

相遇不一定有结果 但一定会有意义 在追随月亮的途中 我也曾被月光照亮过

Encounters may not have results, but they must be meaningful. I was illuminated by moonlight on my way to follow the moon.


Like is unreasonable short-term protection and subconscious preference.

爱是藏不住的 闭上嘴巴 眼睛也会说出来

Love can’t be hidden, you can say it when you close your mouth

不止要与你过冬 还要与你春季穿衬衫与卫衣 在闷热的夜里接吻 去海边吹风与你继续相爱 日复一日年复一年.

Not only to spend the winter with you, but also to wear a shirt and a sweater with you in spring, kiss in the sultry night, go to the beach and continue to love you day after day, year after year.

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