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熊语煊The new term has begun again,Maori students,Why aren't you happy?(新的学期又开始了,毛利同学,你为什么不高兴呢?)

毛利兰Ah!Maybe I miss my hometown?(啊?我…我可能是比较想念家乡吧?)

熊语煊Oh, that's it. (哦,这样啊。)


沈老师(沈宛湘)I believe that you must have some understanding of Chinese before. As we all know, Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world, but since you have chosen to learn Chinese, you must persevere.(我相信各位同学之前多多少少一定对汉语有了解。众所周知,汉语是世界上最难的语言之一,但是既然你们选择了学习汉语,就一定要坚持不懈的学下去。)

沈老师(沈宛湘)Well, I've made a brief introduction to myself last class. Today, let's continue to learn Chinese.(好了,上节课我已经做了简单的自我介绍。今天,就让我们继续来学习汉语。)


沈老师(沈宛湘)In Chinese Pinyin, there are 23 initials: b、 p 、m、 f 、d 、t、 n、 l 、g、 k 、h 、j、 q 、x 、zh 、ch 、sh、 r、 z、 c 、s 、y 、w(在汉语的拼音中,声母有23个,分别是:b、 p 、m、 f 、d 、t、 n、 l 、g、 k 、h 、j、 q 、x 、zh 、ch 、sh、 r、 z、 c 、s 、y 、w。)

沈老师(沈宛湘)There are 24 finals. The single vowel is:a、o、e、i、u、v。The compound vowel is:ai 、ei、 ui 、ao、 ou、 iu 、ie 、ve、 er、 an 、en 、in、 un 、vn 、ang 、eng、 ing 、ong。(韵母则有24个。单韵母是a、o、e、i、u、v。复韵母是ai 、ei、 ui 、ao、 ou、 iu 、ie 、ve、 er、 an 、en 、in、 un 、vn 、ang 、eng、 ing 、ong。)

沈老师(沈宛湘)There are also some basic strokes, such as horizontal, vertical, Pai, Na, horizontal hook, vertical hook, etc.Now let's take a look at a picture.(还有一些基础的笔画,比如说:横、竖、撇、捺、横钩、竖钩等。下面大家请看一幅图)

沈老师(沈宛湘)Here are all the basic strokes in Chinese, such as these tones, including where they are marked. We must study and understand more.(这里是汉语当中所有的基础的笔画,像这些音调包括他们在哪个位置上注音大家一定要多研究、多了解。)







毛利兰What's going on?(这是怎么回事啊?)


熊语煊That classmate didn't want to listen in class. He plugged in headphones to listen to music. Maybe the climax part was too engrossed and sang out.(那个同学上课不想听讲,插上耳机听音乐呢,可能是高潮部分太入神了,给唱出来了。)

毛利兰I look at that classmate is English, how can I know Chinese songs?(我看着那位同学是英国人啊,怎么会晓得中国的歌曲呢?)

熊语煊Have you forgot? Mr. Shen chatted with us in class and said that they had a very popular song "white moonlight and cinnabar mole" in China recently, and they also sang a few words to us. The student just sang the same song as the teacher did a few days ago. She should have listened to it several times in private and thought it was good, so she began to learn it slowly. As a result, he sang it in class today.(你忘了吗?沈老师课间和咱们聊天说,她们中国最近有一首特别火爆的歌曲《白月光与朱砂痣》,还给咱们简单唱了几句。那位同学刚才唱的和前几天老师唱的差不多,应该是私底下听了几遍,觉得不错,就开始慢慢学,结果今天课上就唱出来了)

毛利兰Well, well, there are such students 😓(好,好吧,竟然会有这种学生😓)

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