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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  二十四节气  二十四节气拟人 



I really want to, I am very sorry to tell you these things. I'm sorry I haven't cried in so long. Because the author has a final exam now. Time is tight. So Sister-in-law, don't leave this door. The author will be with you during the winter vacation.

I write in English today. I will write a Chinese and an English one in the future. It's the same on both sides. So? We can learn English together in the future, because there is a Chinese and an English. I am very much looking forward to the little red flower you gave me in the future. Wait for me to have an article that is written in the Ice Fire Magic Kitchen. So don't leave. But it's in English. You may not understand it.

The twenty-four solar terms in China are Spring sent to Li Chun, rain, horror, spring equinox clear valley rain. SumSummer solstice, small mang species, summer heat, summer heat. In the autumn, there are autumn white dew, autumn equinox, cold dew, frost, and winter. In winter, there are light snow, heavy snow tools, small cold, and great cold. This is a very, very traditional festival.

Students cStudents can copy it and find it. Look up the information. I can use all the content of By Gao Qian. I will write in English. Can you send me a little red flower to watch Soul of a Dog in English? Here I still want to thank you all, thank you for your long-term support. This book has more than 8 thousand people, and there are several collections. I hope the popularity can break 10 thousand.

The author is here. He added yo.

I hope you can not live up to my expectations Oh. I will send an English composition just now. Please pay attention!

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