话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 华总与沃宣千金
本书标签: 明星同人 



Hello everyone, this novel has never been officially introduced. This novel is derived from a short video. Due to the long time, it has not been found. The first season of this article has all been updated. The second season is expected to start on January 1, 2022. I hope you can wait patiently. The heroine of this article is the original heroine. The male lead is Hua Chenyu. Other protagonists are Meng Meiqi, Wang Yuan, Wu Xuanyi, Cai Xukun, Ju Jingyi, Yu Mengyu, etc.


This article tells about Hua Chenyu's revenge after returning to China after studying abroad due to the shadow of his childhood. Because of having a high degree. Get a company right away. Plan your revenge step by step. Just when it's available right away. I met an innocent and kind girl. But it was calculated by the villain. That email was caught in the end.


In the name of Hua Chenyu, the villain exposed the suspected illegal operation of Wu Yongzhong's father. Wait. Wait. After the male host knows, regret too late. Ben is determined to go abroad. The female Lord father advised to return home for development.


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