话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 华总与沃宣千金
本书标签: 明星同人 



I'd like to take this opportunity to say something to you. Maybe you won't see this. Just say something from the heart. In fact, it is quite sad to see those cold figures, because although the chapters are very few, but I really do it with my heart. Maybe there are some things you don't understand. Why do I say these words? In fact, I talk a lot in real life. Sometimes I can't talk to some friends at all. I can only go back to the novel to chat with my own characters and you.


All right, all right, I won't talk nonsense.



吴沃I never hate my life, because I have you by my side. Hua Chenyu, as long as I have you, I have no regrets about my future.


华晨宇I used to be all about revenge. But I met you. You let me put down revenge, because of you, I no longer hate the past. Instead, I look forward to the future.


白鹿I used to be very inferior to myself, only strong on the surface. I can survive, alone that group of old foxes, until you met a person who really likes me.


蔡徐坤The author's classmates said that I had a big heart and did not want to feel revenge. But why would I want revenge? The past is past, and what's the use of revenge? So instead of letting myself live unhappily, I would like to love someone foolishly.


吴宣仪Once I faced a group of old foxes alone, I was the only one operating the company, and I had to secretly protect my sister, and contact my father from time to time. I was very tired at that time, but God suddenly gave me hope. The younger sister reconciled suddenly. The father came back suddenly. Suddenly I have someone I love. What is happier is. With a group of shareholders I can trust most.


王源I never knew what it was like to love someone before. I just wanted to run away from home and felt that my home was locked in. Until I met you. I just fell in love with you silently somehow. Began to miss the feeling of home silently. It turned out that the feeling of adding has never changed, but I have changed.


鞠婧祎I used to be inconspicuous, until I met you, I began to be slowly found, slowly noticed. More slowly be cared for. Thank you for your presence.


于朦胧I should be the one who has the least language in this novel, but I am the one who has the best spoiler every time.


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