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导语:“妈妈为什么车这么慢啊” “因为我们坐的是慢车 ” “为什么我们不坐飞机或者高铁” “坐慢车时间长点,我陪你的时间也就长点”"Why is the bus so slow, Mom?" "Because we take the local train." "Why don't we take the plane or the high-speed train?" "If the local train takes longer, I will spend more time with you."

人生最好不要错过的两样东西,最后一班回家的车和深爱你的人Life is best not to miss two things, the last bus home and the people who love you

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错的人教你长大 对的人陪你长大The wrong person will teach you to grow up and the right one will accompany you to grow up

早睡真的能避开深夜崩溃的情绪.Going to bed early can really ward off late night meltdowns.

一眼相中的不是文案是似曾相识的经历It's not copywriting at first sight, it's deja vu

别人都说祝你快乐 我只愿你遍历山河觉得人间值得People say I wish you happy I only hope you feel the world is worth it

希望你的心情能像星星一样 常年闪闪发光 偶尔躲躲乌云May your mood shine like a star all the year round and hide from the clouds occasionally

成全没有那么伟大 我想成为你的归宿 而不是初恋I want to be your home instead of your first love

见过花开的人 便会懂得风的温柔Those who have seen flowers will understand the gentle wind

做人太热络了终究不好 显得廉价又轻巧.Too hot to be cheap and light after all.

在未曾谋面的日子里我们都要好好的In the days we have not seen each other, we are all better.

可能最好的文案就是他的名字吧Probably the best copy is his name.

二选一的时候千万不要选我。Don't pick me between the two.

结语:我还是很想他 但是 我不能让那个女孩因为我没有安全感。I still miss him but I can't let that girl because I'm insecure.

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