话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 彩虹战队(原题为光美守护者)
本书标签: 短篇  伊向制作  光之美少女     











伊向Hello!My name is Yi Xiang


山本咲川Hello, my name is Sakawa Yamamoto(你好,我的名字是山本咲川)

伊向Have you heard of the legendary PCGD?(你听说过传说中的光美守护者没有?)

山本咲川Needless to say, I know you have become a member of PCGD(不用你说了,我已经知道你成为了光美守护者的一员)

山本咲川What can I do for you?(你需要什么帮助呢?)

伊向Is there any technology I can use?(有没有什么高科技可以给我用?)

山本咲川Or I'll give you this "state of emergency one-shot candy."(要不就给你这个“紧急状态一次性变身糖果”)

洛玉梦希Let me just say, what is this for?(我插一句,这是干啥用的?)

山本咲川When in emergency danger, let ordinary people eat such candy, you can change the body to fight, but can only change the body once, this kind of candy cost is very high, please cherish use.(当遇到紧急危险的时候,让普通人吃下这样的糖果,就可以变身战斗,但是只能变身一次,这种糖果造价极高,请珍惜使用)


伊向So how's your life?(话说你的生活还好吧?)

山本咲川Of course, I made $100 million, and then I took $99.99 million to drink flower wine(那当然,我赚了一个亿,然后拿9999万去喝花酒)

洛玉美幸So you know the Precure story?(那你知道光之美少女的故事吗?)

山本咲川Of course I do.(我知道)

山本咲川I always remember the lullaby by AI Aida (Cure Heart) and I thought it was so beautiful that I didn't want to sleep the whole night(我始终记得相田爱的摇篮曲,听了之后觉得这摇篮曲多么“美妙”,我这晚都不想睡了)

落雨达So who did you like best in Percure?(那么你最喜欢光之美少女里面的谁呢?)

山本咲川Tsubomi hanasaki(花咲蕾)

洛玉美幸Miyuki Hoshizora is my favorite(我最喜欢星空美幸)

伊向My favorite would be Asahi Mirai or Nono Hana(而我最喜欢的应该是朝日奈未来或者野乃花吧)

山本咲川I have a diary in English. What does it say(我这里有一本英语的日记,好像讲了些什么)

January 2, 2021(2021年1月2日)

My best friend LuoyuTsubomi helped me find the evidence that "Brother Wu" in wanfu Academy of Xiangjiang City was "Wu Junbao" in yuzhang Academy case. I will send it to you on 3rd, hoping it will be useful to me(我最好的朋友洛玉咲蕾又帮我找到了有关湘江市万福书院的那个“吴哥”就是当年某某书院案件中的“吴某某”的证据,3号就会发给我,希望能对我有用)

January 3, 2021(2021年1月3日)

The evidence has been sent, sure enough they are the same person, but usually the monster absolutely can not be so strong. Normally, if Princess Luoyumengxi pressed the monster with her finger under the size of its body, it would be squashed at once, but this time it was different. It must have been strengthened for some reason(证据已经发过来了,果然他们是同一个人,可是平时怪物绝对不可能会这么强。平时如果洛玉梦希公主在本体大小下用手指去压那种怪物,怪物应该一下就会被压扁,可是这次情况却与以往不同,一定是怪物因为某种原因增强了)

January 15, 2021(2020年1月15日)

This time we in order to destroy Mary Sue, came to Changsha Ningxiang County. Here we met Mary Sue, whose name was Le Ying, and she became so difficult to play that I could never forgive her. It was a copy of Smlie Percure, which I liked very much(这次我们为了消灭玛丽苏,来到了长沙市宁乡县。在这里我们碰上了著名的玛丽苏,它的名字叫做乐英,可是玛丽苏居然变得如此不好打了,但是我绝对不能原谅它,因为它抄袭了我最喜欢的《微笑光之美少女》)

And copied my favorite Kitagawa Ringu. I can never forgive him, but I can't beat him anyway...(而且还抄袭了我最喜欢的响爷,我绝对不能原谅它,但是我终究打不过它……)


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