话本小说网 > 影视同人小说 > 急先锋:震瑜
本书标签: 影视同人  急先锋  杨洋   





尹子瑜What's wrong? Why are you here?

TensonDon't be too surprised. I'm here to offer you guys sone help.

尹子瑜We have just give the case to the police.

尹子瑜You may……

TensonNo. I'm here because of you. I want to offer you some help.

TensonYou might thought that the case is ended, but im telling you that those people are much more evil than you predicted.

雷震宇子瑜?Im so sorry to interrupt. 子瑜,刚刚收到消息,警方被黑了,我们也是,那些关于Taylor的资料全没了。


尹子瑜I see. So Mr.Tenson, we've just received a message that the data base ofvthe police are being hacked.

TensonSee? That is what im talking about. Fortunately, I happened to know where they've put the papers.

TensonHere, this is the address. As an exchange, I would need you to lend me a car and drive me back to my office.

尹子瑜Will do, and Mr.Tenson? I would bery much like to know why……

TensonMaybe, it's because i like your father's art work? Give him my best wishes.

尹子瑜Will do, I really appreciate that. Sir.



POLICEThanks to our CI. We've finished collecting these evidences.

POLICENow we will announce the Miranda Warning.



(第一案 杜松树之歌 完)

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