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周墨枫(这个拍卖行有什么东西卖的?)(What does this auction house sell? )

李婉茹(武器,灵兽,武技,奴仆……什么都有) (Weapons, beasts, martial arts, slaves, everything)

周墨枫(真不错啊)(That's really good)

工作人员(第一件商品黄阶的土炎兽!这是一头变异双系灵兽)(The first commodity, the yellow-level earth beast! This is a mutated double-line spirit beast)

工作人员(起拍价100万每次加价不少于10万)(The starting price is 1 million and the price increase is not less than 100 thousand each time)

周墨枫(这个灵兽真的有怎么值钱?)(How valuable is this spirit beast really? )

李婉茹(当然了……我们这里灵兽挺少的所以应该灵兽就是这么贵)(Of course, we have very few beasts here, so it should be so expensive)

路人甲(我出110万)(我出110万(I'll give you 1.1 million)

路人乙(130万!)(1.3 million! )

周墨枫(都疯了呀)(It's all crazy)

李婉茹(超过150万就不太值得了)(More than 1.5 million is not worth it)

李婉茹(150万!)(1.5 million! )

(顿时场上鸦雀无声)(Suddenly there is silence on the field)

工作人员(好的,150万成交……下一件商品是一柄黄阶武器)OK, 1.5 million deal, the next item is a yellow weapon

工作人员(起拍价10万每次加价不少于1万)(The starting price is 100 thousand and the price increase is not less than 10 thousand each time)

李婉茹(这个就没必要了)(This is not necessary)

李婉茹(让他们抢去吧)(Let them grab it)



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