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周墨枫(唉……不要谦虚,你的实力不也不强的吗?天赋还那么变态)(Hey, don't be modest, isn't your strength not strong? Talent is still so perverted)

李婉茹(天赋也就比你强亿点点实力又不够你强)(Talent is stronger than you, a little strength is not strong enough for you)

周墨枫(说的没什么毛病,但是我好气是怎么回事?)(There is nothing wrong with it, but what is the matter with me? )

周墨枫(我不生气我不生气不生气不生气)I'm not angry i'm not angry i'm not angry i'm not angry

超级系统(你不生气你不生气你不生气你不生气你不生气)You are not angry you are not angry you are not angry you are not angry you are not angry

周墨枫(……青龙孵化出来了吗?)(, Did Qinglong hatch? )

超级系统(在过一段时间应该就出来了吧……)(It should come out after a while,)

周墨枫(还有多久啊?青龙实力应该很强的吧)(How long is it? Qinglong strength should be very strong)

超级系统(这个我也不太清楚但是应该比贝贝强不少)(I don't know about this, but it should be much better than Beibei)

超级系统(至少出生就黄阶了吧)(At least born on the yellow stage)

周墨枫(贝贝才刚刚到圣域魔兽啊)(Beibei has just arrived at the Holy Land Warcraft)

超级系统(确实是……但是贝贝也不简单啊……实力也到了黄阶了吧)(It is indeed, but Beibei is not simple, The strength has reached the yellow stage)

周墨枫(这是随我吗?等级玄阶却可以和地阶一战……)(Is this with me? The level of the mysterious level can fight with the ladder,)

本章完End of this chapter

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