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I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure. 我认为成功没有定律,但你可从失败中学到很多东西。

Delusion is me to walk with you life. 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。

In the future, I will not wait, even if you are in. 以后的以后,我不会再等待,纵然你在。

Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. ---任何值得做的,就把它做好。

Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. ---没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

Wait until the first date I will forget you. 等到老酒过期我就忘了你。

Some moments bring us together, some moments tear us apart. 时光让我们相聚,时光却也让我们分离。

Life is full of sparkling moments waiting for us to discover. 生命中充满了闪光点,只是在等你去发现。

Loneliness is a no one to send a bad cold. 孤独是一场无人送药的重感冒。

It’s too late to move back, yet too early to move on. 想回头,已经太迟了;想开始,又觉得太早。

If deep will not be disappoint. 倘若深情不被辜负。

You are the one I picture myself with in the future. 你是我想要的未来。

Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories. ---消失的是记忆。而留下的才是刻骨铭心的回忆。

Life is short and you deserve to be happy. 生命苦短,你应该过得开心些。

I will start fresh, be some one new。我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。

Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future. ——无论过去如何,未来总是崭新的。

I am okey is the biggest lie of girls. 我很好,是一个女孩最大的谎言。

I love you, but if only here.我很喜欢你,可是好像只能都这里了。

I want you... no secrets... no games.我想要你,没有秘密,不是游戏。

I never take the initiative, but every day I will find you. ---我向来不主动,却每天都会找你。

Jealous suspicion is not stingy, but afraid to lose. ---吃醋怀疑不是小气,而是害怕失去。

Promise not to mention beautiful ,Action in place is genuine. 承诺不必说的动听 行动到位才是真心。

Wait for me long hair foolhardiness boil into gentleness.等我长发飘飘把愚勇熬成温柔。

Some pain can not tell until you can slowly forget.有些痛,说不出来,只能忍着,直到能够慢慢淡忘。

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing. 真正的快乐在于发现,而非知道。

And sometimes, silence hurts more than words. 有时候,沉默比语言更伤人。

You may be out of my sight, but never be out of my mind. 你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。

There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. “知道”和“做到”是两码事。

started missing you as soon as we said goodbye.刚说了再见,就开始想念。

Life, that one of the most reluctant, always hidden deepest.生命里,最舍不得的那一页,总是藏得最深。

Fall in love with a person is not cool Also love cr. 待人友善是修养,独来独往是性格。

Work hard in silence; let success make the noise. 在沉默中努力,让成功自己发声。

If we wait for the right person, whether to a lifetime alone.---假如我们等不到对的人,是不是要一辈子孤单

Love doesn’t cost money, but it does require payment of your heart.--给爱情埋单的,不是钱,是心。

Never let your fear decide your future. 别让你的恐惧决定了你的未来。

I prefer simple refused to elaborate. 比起敷衍,我更喜欢简单的拒绝。

Friendly is accomplishment Alone is character. 待人友善是修养,独来独往是性格。

Sometimes, things is very simple, complex is my head.有时候,事情很简单,复杂的是自己的脑袋。

We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public. 我们从未真正长大,我们只是在别人面前学会了假装。

You are not really happy, your happiness is just your camouflage. 你不是真正的快乐,你的快乐只是你的保护色。

If you don’t try, you’ll never know. So try. 如果你不去试,你永远也不知道结果,所以去试试吧。

Only his strong enough, will not be trampled. 只有自己足够强大,才不会被别人践踏。

You don’t need to look to someone else to tell you how good you are. 你有多棒,完全不需要别人来告诉你,相信自己。

I believe good things happen every day.我相信每天都有好事发生。

The best happiness is the care you show. 最好的幸福,是你给的在乎。

End of the road is still the way, if you want to go.——路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。

Love, or love, all love each other. 爱,或者被爱,都不如相爱。

The word that I love you comes from heart, not mouth. 我喜欢你,来自心脏不是口腔。

I always forget to tell you that how lucky I am to encounter you.一直忘了告诉你,我有多幸运,遇见的是你。

Love is like sand.. If you hold it too tightly.. It will slip away. 爱情就像攥在手里的沙子,攥的越紧,流失的越快。

The best feeling is that someone can understand your unspoken words. 最好的感觉,是有人懂你的欲言又止。

In solitude, be a multitude to yourself. 在孤独中,一个人要像一支队伍。

I would like now to seriously indifferent r oom of wonderful.我只想现在过得精彩,无所 谓好坏。对自己好一点,因为没人会把你当全世界。

A bit better to oneself,because no one will take you when the world.Your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides.你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。

Cheer up! After rain comes always sunshine. 振作起来,雨过总会天晴。

Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart. 时间能治愈一颗受伤的心,但时间也会碾碎一颗等待的心。

Sometimes there is no way out except to say goodbye. 有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。

Though no to love,but I do not regret. 虽未爱对,但我不悔。

Let the right one in. Let the old dreams die. Let the wrong ones go.——让适合的那个进来吧,让残梦褪去吧,让不适合的那个走吧。

No matter how hard the past was. You can always begin again. 不管过去有多难,你都可以重新开始。

What is a man’s first duty The answer is brief to be himself!一个人的首要职责是做什么?很简单:做自己!

Every time I think of you, I find myself smiling without conscious.每一次想到你,我发现自己都不自觉的在微笑。

If life only such as first, then timesong will prosperous some. 若人生只如初见,那么似水流年会不会繁华一些。

You,from a boyfriend to a friend to me, finally get to the end. 你,从我的男友变成我的朋友,最终什么也不是了。

When life gets harder, you must have just levelled up.——当生活变得艰难的时候,你必须做的只是提升自我罢了。

Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。

When I’m with you, I forget the world for a while.和你一起时,总会暂时忘记整个世界

Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. 生活不是一场赛跑,而是每一步都应该细细品尝的人生旅程。

With the most true of yourself,can you meet the most suitable one. 用最真实的自己,才能遇见最合适的那个人。

Love who you wanna love. Be who you wanna be. 爱你想爱的人,成为你想成为的自己。Love is someone who understand how to love themself.爱情是留给懂得爱自己的人。The heavy wind always in the city, the lonely people always go home later.这城市总是风很大,孤独的人总是晚回家。Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it.有些人还在继续梦想成功时,另一些人却已经醒来努力为之奋斗了。Promise, sometimes, is what a cheater said to a fool. 承诺,有时候,就是一个骗子说给一个傻子听的。Only you can change your life. No one can do it for you. 只有你自己可以改变自己的人生。没有能代替你完成。Life’s too short to be anything but happy. 活着就要快乐,因为我们会死很久。I would rather love someone I can`t have than have someone I can`t Love.我宁愿爱上一个我不能拥有的人,也不想拥有一个我无法爱上的人。You have three choices in life: give in, give up, or give it your all. 人生中有三种选择:投降、放弃或者是全力以赴。Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as a kite! 脚踏实地,但是,心要像风筝一样飞得高!Time than people, it is fragile, it could not come back to disappoint. 时光不比人,它脆弱,它禁不起来来回回的辜负。When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain.——当你为爱情而钓鱼时,要用你的心当作饵,而不是用你的脑筋。That love, not time, heals all wounds.是爱,而不是时间,能够治愈一切伤痛。I just want to catch your hand tightly, running forward together. 我只想紧紧抓住你的手,一起向前奔跑。Life is never easy. Otherwise, you will never treasure what you have. 生活从来都不容易。否则,你也不会珍惜你拥有的一切。They say love is for fools, I say am happy to be a fool because of you...为了你,我愿意做一个爱情傻瓜。Always be the woman a man needs, not the woman who needs a man. 做一个男人需要的女人,而不是需要男人的女人。The secret of success Stop wishing, start doing. 成功的密钥:停止祈祷,开始行动。Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。You are a landscape, no need in the scenery inside looking up to others.你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference. 一点点体贴,一点点为他人着想,会让一切都不一样To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.昨天已经过去,明天还没到来。只有今天是一份礼物。Be strong, believe in who you are. Be strong, believe in what you feel. 强大一些,要相信你自己。坚定一些,要相信自己的感觉。The good seaman is known in bad weather. 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。找到一个对的人,是给自己最好的奢侈品。 Finding the right person is the best luxury.我多想大醉一场 抱着你说尽我所有爱你的故事 In fact,l just want to say l love you.People go, memories stay. 人来人去,留下的只有回忆。Thinking too much can only cause trouble. 想太多只会带来麻烦。Take risks. If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.勇敢地冒一冒险吧,赢了,固然会开心;输了,也能学着变聪明。Has not been difficult, then does not have attains. 没有艰辛,便无所获。Love comes fast. You either risk it, or you regret it.爱来的这么快——要么冒险,要么后悔。I‘ve never met a strong person with an easy past. 每一个坚强的人,都有一段艰难的过往。Even if a cover my ears, I can still hear the gentleness of your breathing. 就算捂住耳朵,我还能听见你呼吸的温柔。Pain changes people. However, love will finally guide them back. 伤痛会改变一个人,但爱最终总会让你找回最初的自己。We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves. 骗自己的时候,我们的谎往往撒得最响亮。When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen. 自己的人生自己书写,别给别人执笔之机。Can not find the right people, in fact, is likely to get rid of a wrong. 找不到对的人,其实很可能是,改不掉错的自己。No “can”,but will. 没有可不可以,只有愿不愿意。Love, there is no reason for love and without precondition tolerance.爱,就是没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容。Did anyone tell you that your smile looks so charming .~有没有人告诉过你,你笑起来很美。How far is far, how high is high We’ll never know until we try.远有多远,高有多高,只有试了才知道。People need some temper to lead an ambitious life. 人需要点脾气,才能活出志气。People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love. 能顶着风险做自己热爱之事的人,都经历过很多磨难。Do it now. Sometimes later becomes never. 现在就行动,要不然有时候等一下会变成永远。eing hurt by the truth is better than comforted by the lies.——被真相伤害,总比被谎言安慰要好。Different but best friends.虽然有很多不同,但我们是最好的朋友No reason to stay is a good reason to go.没理由留下,就是离开的最佳理由。I would rather be fat in a delicate way than be slim like everyone else.宁可胖的精致,也不要瘦的雷同。The distance between your dreams and reality is called action. —— 梦想和现实之间的那段差距,叫做行动。I want you to be happy. But I want to be the reason. 我想要你幸福,但我希望我是你幸福的原因。Love is about timing. 爱,始于相遇,止于被动。Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes. 把别人看得太重,令自己在别人眼里无足轻重。Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive. 要记得为那些让你觉得活着真好的事情腾出时间。More grow up more lonely, more grow up more uneasy.越长大越孤单 ,越长大越不安。There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning. 应该有更好的方式开始新一天, 而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。No hurry, the best always appears accidentally. 不要着急,最好的总是会在不经意的时候出现。The only time I don’t miss you, is when you’re right next to me. 我唯一不想你的时候就是你在我身边的时候。Never give up, and good luck will find you. 不要放弃,好运总会垂青你的。We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone. 我们拍照,是为了把照片作为回到逝去时光的回程票。I close my eyes to old ends and open my heart to new beginnings. 对旧的过往闭上眼,对新的开始敞开心。Some scenery, once to see into the heart, even in the moment, is eternal.有些风景,一旦入眼入心,即便刹那,也是永恒。Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 生命是如此短暂,所以不要把时间都浪费在记恨一个人身上。There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.——世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。Sometimes silence is not happy, just want to put the heart headroom. 有时沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。I just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own. 我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. 一个真正快乐的人是那种在走弯路时也不忘享受风景的人。Love is my sickness and you are my drug, I’m ADDICTED.——爱是一种病,我赶上了。你是我的药,我上瘾了。Being yourself is an honor, because nobody else can be you. 做自己是一种荣耀,因为没有任何人能成为你。Cry, can not solve any problems, but will make the dry cheeks hurt. 哭,解决不了任何问题,反而会使风干的脸颊很疼。Sometimes we’re forced in directions till we ought to find our sounds.有时候,我们被迫走选择的路,直到有一天才发现应该去寻找自己的心声。If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today. 如果我们相信明天会更好,今天就能承受艰辛。Be strong enough to let go, and patient enough to wait for what you deserve. 足够坚强去放手,足够耐心去等待值得的。Empty heart, is the best gift; Alone the way, is the most beautiful scenery. 放空的心,是最好的礼物;独走的路,是最美的风景。If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow.If you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder.——你若独行,我必相随;你若哭泣,我必相依。Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.生活是一门没有橡皮擦的绘画艺术。All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it. ——曾经输掉的东西,只要你想,就一定可以再一点一点赢回来。Like a child, always believe in hope, I believe the dream. 像孩子一样,永远相信希望,相信梦想。To those who have given up on love:I say, “Trust life a little bit.” 对那些不愿再爱的人,我只想说:“再多信任生活一点点。”No matter how strong you are,someone will always be your fatal.无论你有多坚强,总有人是你的致命伤。We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep. 我们就像海中的岛屿,表面分离,内心紧系。Be yourself, be different. 做自己,与众不同。Everything in life is temporary, even bad days and sleepless night. 生活中的所有一切都只是暂时的,包括乌云密布的日子以及一个个不眠之夜。I like to feel his eyes on me when i look away. 我喜欢我望向别处时,他望向我的目光。Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy. 生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。Let life be beautiful like summer flowers,death like autumn leaves. 使生如夏花般绚烂,死如秋叶般静美。One of the biggest mistake girls always make is falling too hard for a guy. 女孩子容易犯的最大错误之一,就是对一个男人用情太深。Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。I want to have you around, not for a while, but a lifetime. 我想要身边有你,不是一阵子,而是一辈子。When your faith is stronger than your fears, you can make your dreams happen.当你的信念强于你的胆怯时,你就可以将梦想变为现实了。Every little kindness you show me would shake my determination.你对我的一点点好,都会动摇我的决心。Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one. 在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。Smiles are like band-aids. They cover up the pain but it still hurts. 微笑就像创可贴。虽然掩饰住了伤口,但是心痛依然。Seeing you smile is good, but making you smile is the best.看你笑固然很好,但能让你笑才是最美好的事。Having real happiness is to live the way you want rather than that of others.真正的幸福,不是活成别人那样,而是能够按照自己的意愿去生活。Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress. 选择让你快乐的那个人来共度余生,而不是你必须努力取悦的那一个。There’s always a bit of something hidden when you say ‘nothing’.每次当你说“没事”的时候,心里多少都藏着点事。If you’re mine, you’re only mine. I don’t like sharing.你若属于我,那就只属于我一个人,我可不喜欢和别人分享。Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love someone. 爱不是什么可能、大概、也许,一旦爱上了,自己是十分清楚的。Stay calm, be confident and try your best! 冷静、自信、全力以赴吧!Everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason. 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。Never regret something that once made you smile. 不必遗憾,至少它曾让你微笑过。I saw you in my dreams again. It felt so real. 又梦见你,如此真实。Smiling is the best reaction in all situations. 微笑是任何场合下,你能做出的最佳反应。I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken. 我希望有一个人会懂我,即使我什么都没说。I will learn to be strong, learn to heal, their embrace, against the wind.我要自己学会坚强,自己学会疗伤,自己拥抱,自己抵御风霜。I can accept failure but I can’t accept not trying. 可以接受暂时的失败,但绝对不能接受未曾奋斗过的自己。I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead. 曾经,我想和你分享我的所有秘密,但现在,你成了我心底的秘密。Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others` lives. 做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命中的看客。Some things take time. Be patient. 有些事情,需要时间。耐心点。Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. 生活就像骑单车,只有不断前进,才能保持平衡。I am nostalgic, but I am also strong. 我很念旧,但我也很坚强。不至于对你念念不忘。Love is blind, hard to find, difficult to get, and impossible to forget. 爱情是盲目的,难找,难得,亦难忘。Sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.有时候,一个人想要的只是一只可握的手和一颗感知的心。I thought I was scared farewell moments, originally, I also fear again.我以为我害怕的,是告别的时刻,原来,我同样害怕重逢。I do not know what to say, I just suddenly miss you at this moment. 我不知道该说什么 ,我只是在这一刻突然好想你。The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.世界是一本书,不旅行的人只看到其中的一页。No two people entirely appropriate, only two people accommodation. 没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两个人。Real strong men are not those without tears,but those running in tears. 真正的强者,不是没有眼泪的人,而是含着眼泪奔跑的人。You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. 无论年纪有多大,你都可以有新的目标或新的梦想。If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best. 你若想得到这世界最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。Your life does not get better by chance,it gets better by change. 你想要更好的生活,不是靠运气就可以,而是需要自己去改变。Write it on your heart that every day is the best of the year. 心中要记住,每天都是每年中最好的日子。Your love is just like the foam of the sea. 你的爱像泡沫。Maybe for those that have been missed,they are fated to be this way. 也许那些错过的,是因为注定就要错过。Whenever you had a bad day, just remember I love you. 不管什么时候你过得不开心,只要记得有我爱你就好。Never live in the past but always learn from it. 不要沉迷于过去,而是要从中吸取教训。I still remember the first time we met.我依然记得我们的初次相逢。If I could wish one thing I’d hear you call my name. 如果我只能许一个愿,我希望可以听到你叫出我的名字。Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes. 期待最好的结果,准备最坏的打算,既来之则安之。When you travel far enough,you will finally meet yourself。当你走的足够远,就会最终遇见真实的自己。Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had to happen. 某些天你会回过头来看,并且明白为什么有些事情要发生。Never do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset.不要因为一时的心烦,做出一辈子的傻事。The most precious thing is not what you have but the people around you. 最宝贵的东西不是你拥有的物质,而是陪伴在你身边的人。Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time. ——觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。Lonely for a long time meet happiness will panic.孤独久了遇到幸福都会恐慌。Sometimes tears can express feelings easier than words. 有时候,眼泪比语言更容易表达感受。We lose ourselves in the things we love. We find ourselves there, too.我们在爱里失去自己,也会在爱里找到自己。Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our own sunshine. 生活中大多数的阴霾归咎于我们挡住了自己的阳光。One of the most difficult tasks in life is removing someone from your heart. 人生最难的事情之一,就是把某人从你的心底删除。A promise means everything. but once it is broken, sorry means nothing. 如果对不起有用的话,还要承诺做什么。Be strong, be true, be forever ‘who you are’.坚强,真实,做自己。Try to love yourself as much as you want someone else to.想要别人多爱你,自己就要多爱自己。Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect. 有时候,最适合你的人,恰恰是你最没有想到的人。No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.没人是完全自由的,即使是鸟儿,也有天空的约束。You make the failure complete when you stop trying. 当你停止尝试的时候,你就完全失败了。The worst betrayals always come from the ones we trust the most. 至信之人往往会伤你最深。I love people who can make me laugh, when I don’t even want to smile. 我喜欢那些让我笑起来的人,就算是我不想笑的时候。Don`t judge me. You only see what I choose to show you. 不要妄加评断,你看到的,只是我选择让你看到的。You’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town.你有一种笑容,可以照亮整个城市。If you want a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. 如果你想过得快乐,把生活跟目标联系在一起,而不是跟某个人或某些事。Never give up on hope, and hope will never give up on you.如果你不抛弃希望,希望也不会抛弃你。If you’re brave to say “good bye”, life will rewardyou with a new “hello”. 如果你勇于对过去说“拜拜”,生活就会回赠给你一个新的“哈喽”。Happiness will never miss any people, sooner or later it will find you.幸福不会遗漏任何人,迟早有一天它会找到你。If you love me, let me know. If you don’t, let me go.爱我,就让我知道;不爱我,就放我离开。Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. 勇气就是虽感恐惧,但仍会前行。Whenever you say “I love you”, please say it honestly.无论何时说“我爱你”,请真心实意。Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.和我一起终老吧,未来还有更美好的事等着我们。Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation.我们会不会终有一天在不断地假装里,忘记自己I love the way you laugh. I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away.我喜欢你笑的样子,我想偷走你的痛苦,让你一直开心下去。Life, half is memory, half is to continue. 生活,一半是回忆,一半是继续。Lost it and let it go, stay beside you is worth treasuring. 失去的就让它随风去吧,留在身边的才值得珍惜。The best feeling in the world is when you know your heart is smiling.世间最美好的感受,就是发现自己的心在笑。Love one another and you will be happy. It’s simple, yet difficult. 彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难。Not every place you fit in is where you belong. 并不是每一个你能挤进去的地方都属于你。The hardest things to say are usually the things worth saying.最难说出口的往往是值得说的。The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost. 害怕失去之时,就是爱开始之时。Success is the best revenge for anything. 成功是对所有的一切最好的报复。Be what you want to be, not what others want to see. 做你自己想做的,而不是别人想看到的It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. 长大并成为真正的自己,需要勇气。The stories we love best live in us forever. 那些我们最爱的故事,最终都会一直活在我们的心里。Thank you every time i need you to drop the chain. 谢谢你每次在我需要你的时候掉链子。A person to travel, perhaps to meet the most really own. 一个人的旅行,或许才能遇见最真的自己。Active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash! 主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃!Life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through. 生命必须有裂缝,阳光才照得进来。

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