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The increasingly serious old smoke--only when you swear, this voice can suddenly become clear 。

2. 毫无新意、一看就是批发语录、并且完全不符合现代青少年审美

Nothing new, it is a wholesale quotation at first glance, and it is completely inconsistent with the aesthetics of modern teenagers


Nobody taught you how to be a man. I taught you how to be a man


The real sly character will not proudly hang on to'Laozi's prison'all day long, and will not drink alcohol and take advantage of Guangmao's temporary talents

5. 他那么喜欢骂就让他骂,你倒好,还凑上去,挺捧场啊

He likes it so much, let him marry, you are good, but also get together, very supportive



Life is so dull, occasionally swearing is good for the mood,

2. 面对考卷不彷徨,尽力就是好成绩,让梦想在考场上扬帆起航,让人生在知识的海洋里遨游!小兔崽子,考试加油!

In the face of the examination papers, doing your best is a good result, let the dream sail in the examination room, let people swim in the ocean of knowledge! Come on, bunny!


Although the score is a little worse, but don't be discouraged, you can't admit defeat until the last moment, who is afraid of who is it


What to do, the pit is your son of a bitch, love to buy or not, do not buy, do not stay here


There is another kind of idiot who doesn't know each other. You don't have to tell them whether you know it or not. You are right. The reason is to say it to people, not to idiots

6. 狗屁厕所清新剂,老娘这是女人味

Fucking toilet freshener. It's feminine


Three meals should be eaten on time. Now those young people always like to lose weight at any time. You can't think of it,



The cheap living culture has attracted many people who do not have high spending power

2. 从五官上不难看出她年轻时的貌美,只是岁月不饶人

It is not difficult to see from the facial features that she was beautiful when she was young, but the years are not forgiving


Even if it is thrown into the crowd, it is just an ordinary middle-aged woman who can no longer be ordinary. It even makes people wonder if the beauty of the old time peeped from her eyebrows is an illusion

4. 黑水街不成文的规矩大家都知道,江湖事江湖了

Everyone knows the unwritten rules of Blackwater Street

5. 这孩子眼神阴沉沉的,冷得渗人,看着他们感觉跟看一坨屎没什么分别——总之绝对不是一朵温室小花朵会有的眼神

The child's eyes were gloomy and cold, and watching them felt no different from watching a glimpse-in short, it was definitely not the eyes of a small greenhouse flower

6. 在这不长不短的两个小时里,体验到了人生如此变幻莫测,也感受到了操蛋究竟是什么滋味

In this not long not short two hours, experienced the life to be so unpredictable, also felt that fucked the egg is what taste after all

7. 在黑水街这一片管辖区工作,再温和的性子也被磨出了棱角

Working in the jurisdiction of Blackwater Street, the gentle temper has also been sharpened

8. 虽然演技十分不走心,但效果显著Although the acting skills are very unsatisfactory, the effect is remarkable

9. 谢俞停下脚步,用一种复杂的、统称看傻逼的眼神看他

Xie Yu stopped and looked at him with a complicated, collectively called stupid look

10. 要不是谢俞亲身经历了这么多年四处躲债、吃饭有上顿没下顿、就连学费都拖了大半年差点交不起的日子,他几乎都要相信那些层出不穷的拙劣故事

If Xie Yu had not personally experienced so many years of hiding debts, eating and not having a meal, and even the tuition fees have been dragged down for half a year, he almost has to believe in those endless stories

11 .短短九个字,嚣张而不失礼貌

Just nine words, arrogant and polite



He better know what he's doing. Let me see him again. Call him once


Hell Olympiad, Huanggang Zhenti, Pattern English, Physics Daquan, Poisonous

3. 歧视!歧视差生!什么破几把游戏,老子可是电竞界王者,连游戏大厅都不让我进?不会做就是不会做,不会做怎么了,起码我诚实啊!

Discriminate Discriminate against poor students! What a few games, I am the king of e-sports, even the game hall does not let me enter? I can't do it. I just can't do it. I can't do it. Why? At least I'm honest!




Traveling in the ocean of knowledge, fighting for the construction of a beautiful new China, Tsinghua University is waving to you

2. 学习学习学习我的生命里只有学习


Sleep What are you sleeping on? Do you know how many people will surpass you if you go to bed a minute earlier?



Brother Xue said very much, life is too short, the time to learn is very precious, sleep is not a waste of this good time.



The longing for knowledge almost kept me awake. Once I fell asleep, it was like death. My brain stopped thinking. What could be more terrible than stopping thinking.



Don't argue. The victory belongs to me



Don't always do such a shameful thing when you know it's embarrassing

2. 一滩烂泥,糊都糊不上墙,你说说你想干什么

A pool of mud, paste can not paste on the wall, you say what you want to do

3. 爱吃不吃,有他饿的时候……

Love to eat or not, when he is hungry,



What kind of monster is this guy! Are you so good at wearing sheep's clothing at such a young age! This is a fucking wolf!


2. 总得知道自己这次到底是惹了哪路神仙,死也得死个明白

I have to know which god I have provoked this time, and I have to die to understand



Side business. Respond to the call of the party, actively go to a well-off society, and strive to make a fortune,


1. 胆子有多大世界就有多大,我很欣赏你这种胆量跟其他小孩都不一样

The world is as bold as you can be, and I appreciate that you're not like any other kid



Rebellious period Rebellious period, boys, are inevitable, the corners are sharp. My child used to be like this, just go over and be sensible

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