话本小说网 > 影视同人小说 > 综穿:白莲姐姐身很娇
本书标签: 影视同人  杨颖  迪丽热巴     



Collins老师“This is he.”

辛西娅·埃文斯“Mr. Collins, I'm Mr. Chalamet's aunt, and he had a headache after the football game... I'm worried he might have a cold...”(Collins老师,我是查拉梅的阿姨,橄榄球赛后他觉得有点头疼……我担心他可能有点伤风感冒……)

Collins老师“Is Chalamet sick? So are you calling to ask for leave for him?”(查拉梅同学生病了吗?那么您是打电话来为他请假的吗?)


辛西娅·埃文斯“I'm really worried about him, and I think I should take him to the hospital to have him checked, but that might delay your class.”(我实在是担心他,我想我应该带他去医院检查一下,但这样也许会耽误您教授的课程。)

Collins老师“Don't worry about it. Students' health is the most important thing. ”(不要担心这个,学生的身体健康是最重要。)

Collins老师“ Maybe it's the hard work of the football game, so take Chalamet home.”(也许是因为参加橄榄球赛的运动量太大了,带查拉梅回去休息吧。)

辛西娅·埃文斯“You are such a forgiving man, Mr. Collins.”(Collins老师您真是个宽容的人。)

辛西娅·埃文斯“Chalamet he wants to explain to you, but he's not well enough to call and explain himself.”(查拉梅他希望向您解释清楚,但他现在情况不太好,不能自己打电话向您解释。)






Collins老师“You're welcome. That's what I should do as a teacher. Please tell Chalamet that I will email him the lesson plan.”(不用客气,这是我作为老师应该做的。请您转告查拉梅同学,我会把这节课的教案通过电子邮件发给他。)

Collins老师“In addition... Chalamet always takes his work very seriously, so I'm not going to let him drag down his grades by missing class.”(另外……查拉梅同学对待功课一直很认真,所以,我不会让他因为缺课而拉低成绩的。)

辛西娅·埃文斯“Thank you for your consideration. Goodbye.”(谢谢您的体谅,再见。)

Collins老师“Bye! I wish Chalamet a speedy recovery.”(再见,希望查拉梅同学早日康复。)

上一章 世界二十七:【欧美】离婚后,我变成了高中生4 综穿:白莲姐姐身很娇最新章节 下一章 世界二十七:【欧美】离婚后,我变成了高中生6