话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 爱的较劲
本书标签: 都市  主角光环  作者超努力     

第一百零六章 唐奕萱晕倒



唐奕萱好了,语丝,唐奕,老公,你们去收拾一下咱们的东西,把房子到给他们,昊贤有时间咱们俩个去把这套房子更个名,更到你名下啊,公司艾琳我是不可能给你股份的(All Right, Yusi, Tang Yi, Hubby, you guys go pack up our stuff and give the house to them, ho-hyun has time for both of us to change the name of the House to your name, the company Eileen, I can&039;tgive you shares)。









沈泽阳老婆,你别吓我啊,你到底怎么了(Honey, youre scaring me. Whats wrong with you)。


护士说:家属在外面等(Familys waiting outside)。


沈语丝这是怎么了啊,这家刚好点,为什么又发生事啊,就不能好好的嘛都(Whats going on here? This house is just right. Why did something happen again? Why cant we all just..)。


陈昊贤(表弟)姐夫,嫂子,哥,对不起,是我的错,如果不是我姐姐就不会晕倒了,是我没有处理明白这件事(Brother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother, I am sorry, it is my fault, if not my sister would not faint, I did not deal with the understanding of this matter)。


沈泽阳好了,昊贤,这不是你的错,你快起来,你跪下这是干什么呀(All right, ho-hyun, its not your fault, get up, what are you doing on your knees)。


陈昊贤(表弟)艾琳,我姐姐今天有什么事,我跟你没完,还有咱俩的婚姻到今天你让我害我姐姐晕倒,我不想在这样了,咱们俩的婚姻让你今天做的一切彻底结束了,彻彻底底结束了,等我姐姐好了,咱们两个就离婚(Eileen, what happened to my sister today, Im not done with you, and our marriage to this day, you made me knock my sister out, I dont want to do this anymore, our marriage is the end of everything you did today, the end of everything, when my sister gets better, well get a divorce)。


杰克说:你好,那位是唐奕萱的家属(Hello, thats the family of Tang Yixuan)。


沈泽阳我是,医生,我太太怎么样了(Im a ,doctor. Hows my wife)。

杰克医生说:你太太没什么大事,只是急火攻心导致的昏迷,现在已经醒了,但是你切记不要再让他生气了,因为他之前生孩子的时候月子没有做好,他气血也没调理好,尽量不要让她生气了,一会儿他就出来了,就能回家了(Your wife is fine, shes just in a coma from a heart attack, and shes awake now, but you mustnt let her get angry again, because she didnt do a good job when she had the baby, and she hasnt adjusted her vital energy and blood properly, try Not to upset her. Hell be out in a minute. He can go home)。

沈泽阳好的,谢谢您医生(All right. Thank you, Doctor)。

杰克医生说:不客气,这是我们应该做的(Youre welcome. Its the least we can do)。


唐奕萱老公,唐奕,语丝,你们去收拾东西咱们搬家(Hubby, Tang Yi, Yusi, you guys go pack up and well move)。


陈昊贤(表弟)姐,你们不用搬(SIS, you dont have to move)。

唐奕萱我们搬到舅舅,舅妈那住去,正好我可以天天看到孩子,这就留给你们俩了(Were moving in with my aunt and uncle, and I get to see the kids every day, so l leave that up to you two.)

陈昊贤(表弟)姐(Hey, sis)。

唐奕萱别跟我犟,你们就住这吧,我们搬去舅舅那住(Dont argue with me. You can stay here. Well move in with uncle)。


上一章 第一百零五章 艾琳想要别墅 爱的较劲最新章节 下一章 第一百零七章 搬去舅舅,舅妈那