话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 大赛bug之误加入同学群聊
本书标签: 动漫同人 

大 型 福 利 节 章:第一个同学加凹凸群聊【下】


清远Sorry, I have something to do, and I just finished the final exam yesterday, so I will update it today.

清远Small white, crossed

清远All characters are private, thank you


———split line———

海盗团团长Get out, you are brainwashed!

[I’m not crazy about joining a group chat]

社会你沐总人狠话不多? ? ?

白鱼? ? ?

班长大人? ? ?

安安看我? ? ?

清汤哟? ? ?

副班长·不正常Lying trough?

我不路痴What's wrong

不想写作业···Say! Did I see the live gold!

网友1Yes, you see it, but I’m not sure

不想写作业···Yes, you see it

网友1You don't love me anymore


我不路痴Are you not a good friend? Why quarrel?

社会你沐总人狠话不多Ugh~Jinbao, you don’t understand


安安看我Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, you see that Jinbao has been stunned by you

【Gray Join Group Chat】

苏玉酒Lying trough? !

副班长·不正常Chain reaction?

社会你沐总人狠话不多should be

———split line———

清远I don't want to write... I'm so lazy, forget it, write it tomorrow

清远Already 771 words

上一章 大 型 福 利 节 章:第一个同学加凹凸群聊【上】 大赛bug之误加入同学群聊最新章节