话本小说网 > 科幻末世小说 > Thanatos……I
本书标签: 科幻末世 



I found the basement a couple of days ago when I was cleaning the house. Obviously, my father wouldn’t do that. I was cleaning my mother’s study, and I was about to throw away an old bookshelf to sale and I found a door. I have read some books about secret rooms and labs, so I opened the door and surprisingly found that behind the door is a solid wall. I touched the wall and numbers started to pop up. I thought I need to input a password. So I inputted my mother’s birthday. And it actually worked. The wall slid up and I stepped in.

  Then a voice suddently said:,“Welcome back Mrs. Carvo.” And a human like robot walked towards me. “Wait! You are not Mrs. Carvo! Who are you!” I was confused and said:,“I am Thanados Carvo. Mrs. Carvo’s son.” The robot seems about to cry and said:,“Oh! Where is Mrs. Carvo! You are her son. Do you know where she is?” I didn’t know what to say, this robot is way ahead of nowadays technology, did my mother build him?

  I calmed down for a second and said:,“My mother died sixteen years ago.” The robot was about to faint(well,if he can).

  “I...I...I think your mother died because of me. I...I...I’m not really a robot. I’m an alien. My name is Jus. I’m from Landel.” I was astonished. “You what! An alien? W...Why did you come here?”

  “My world doesn’t allow my kind to live any more. The Destroyers invaded our planet thousands of years ago. I escaped from my space ship and I traveled for years and years and landed on earth. The Destroyers was hunting for me. I was deeply wounded. Your mother saved me. She used the latest recombine machine and she changed my skin into metal,so that I won't get wounded anymore. She know the destroyers are still hunting for me. Your mother was a kind human. She build this basement for me to live. I have been here for twenty-three years. At first, I sought the human food tasted terrible, but I got used to them after a year or two.”

“Wow! What a surprise! I...em...Do you want some drinks?”

Obviously Jus haven't ate anything for sixteen years.


上一章 Introduction. Thanatos……I最新章节 下一章 2020.3.2