话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 萌货小青梅:腹黑竹马快躺下
本书标签: 现代  QM书韵文社  首作   




cold war is like a rainstorm. i don't have an umbrella. i stand in front of the door several times to knock on your door and ask if you can take shelter from the rain. but i didn't just stand in the rain all the time.


afternoon sun lazy sprinkled on me, i squinted gently stroked the side of the sleeping dog baby. even breath, everyday smile, let my heart bloom quietly like a flower.


one day, you will smile at the past pain. you will thank the person who left you, he does not deserve your love, your good, your infatuation. he's not the man he was meant to be. fortunately, he is not.


you must have been humble around him, meek as a daisy without a skeleton. after a long time, you are a little cold in other people's eyes, you know, as if you only give one person too low.


everyone who doesn't know how to love will meet someone who knows how to love, and then experience a heartbreaking love, and then separate. later, people who don't understand love slowly understand, people who understand love, but dare not love again.


once i was a wayward child, wayward thought you only belong to me, i only belong to you. thank you for telling me that no one in the world belongs to us. we will belong to ourselves after all.

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