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(周墨枫被黑洞吸进来一脸懵逼)(Zhou Mofeng was sucked in by a black hole and looked awkward)

周墨枫(这啥啊?)(这啥啊?)(What is this? )

青龙(小子我在这呢……)(Boy, I'm here,)

周墨枫(你不是死了吗)(Aren't you dead)

青龙(一拳秒杀我,确实不错你可以获得我的传承,但是你快是你开了挂……我青龙被你秒杀我不要面子的?)(A punch to kill me, it is really good you can get my inheritance, but you are fast you opened the hang, I Qinglong was killed by you, I don't want face? )

周墨枫(啊这……好吧我承认我就是开挂了)(Ah, it's, OK, I admit I just opened it.)

青龙(把这个吃了)(Eat this)

周墨枫(这不会是像害我把)(This is not like hurting me)

超级系统(不会快点啊)(Won't hurry up)

(周墨枫把青龙给的东西吃了下去……)(Zhou Mofeng ate the things given by Qinglong,)

周墨枫(我去好像有点痛)It seems to hurt a little when I go

(过了一下下,周墨枫全身都是龙鳞)(After a while, Zhou Mofeng is full of dragon scales)

青龙(好了拿着这个青龙蛋滚吧)(All right, take this green dragon egg and get out)

周墨枫(好的好的)All right. All right.

周墨枫(系统……我们去下一个位面吧……)(System, Let's go to the next plane,)

超级系统(好……Good )

周墨枫(就是可惜不能和他们一起了)(It's a pity that I can't be with them)

超级系统(反正你以后还是可以回来的)(Anyway, you can still come back later)

周墨枫(走吧)(Let's go)

青龙(我也准备上天堂)(I'm going to heaven, too)

周墨枫和系统去到了新的位面,他们不知道后来帝都又发生了翻天覆地的变化Zhou Mofeng and the system went to a new plane, they did not know that the emperor had undergone earth-shaking changes

(本章完End of this chapter )

上一章 139 蓝星最强隐藏富豪最新章节 下一章 番外(真的完结了)