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(几人入魔兽山脉几分钟,还是没有看见魔兽)(A few people entered the Warcraft Mountains for a few minutes, still did not see Warcraft)

龙岭(还是没有魔兽啊……)(There is still no Warcraft,)

周墨枫(凡事都有两面性嘛,这里没有魔兽我们就安全,而且我们是来探索的不是来打架的)Everything has two sides, we are safe without warcraft, and we are here to explore, not to fight

龙岭(可是没有魔兽我觉得才危险吧……)(But there is no Warcraft, I think it is dangerous,)

周墨枫(我是队长我说了算)(I'm the captain. I'm in charge.)

(最后,反对的人,全部都被以德服人了)(In the end, all those who opposed it were convinced by morality)

周墨枫(兄弟们我做的对吗?大声喊出来!)(Brothers, am I doing the right thing? Shoutout! )

龙岭(正道的光!)(The light of the right path! )



(一瞬间,周墨枫几人被魔兽包围,)(In a flash, Zhou Mofeng was surrounded by Warcraft,)

魔兽(观察你们好久了……怎么看都不像强者……但是你们却是货真价实的人类强者)(Observing you for a long time, It doesn't look like a strong man, but you are a real human strong man)

周墨枫(哦豁……圣域魔兽……其他都是些7~8级魔兽圣域魔兽我包了……其他的你们看着办)(Oh, Holy Land Warcraft, Others are 7 ~ 8 level Warcraft Holy Land Warcraft I have a package, Others you see)

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