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星期三 听写 The American Way of Marriage 1:36AM-2:13AM

“I do” to Americans those two words carry great meaning, they can even change your life. Especially if you say them in your own wedding. Making wedding vows is like signing a contract. Now Americans do not really think marriage is a business deal. But marriage serious business. It all begins with the engagement. Traditionally a young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her. If the father agrees, the man later proposes to her. Often he tries to surprise her by popping the question in a romantic way. Sometimes the couple just decides together that the time is right to get married. A man usually give his fiancee a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement. They may be engaged for weeks, months or even years. As a big day approaches, (听不出来) showers, bachelor parties provide many useful gifts. Today many couples also receive couselling(单词有误) during their engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of marriage life.



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