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本书标签: 明星同人  Fairy女团  偶像练习生     





经历了,风风雨雨,灵筱打算放弃。生无可恋的 灵筱坐在沙发上。




主持人“今天是音乐女神灵筱的新歌发布会,让我们欢迎灵筱。”(Today is the music goddess Ling Xiao's new song release. Let's welcome Ling Xiao.)

灵筱“大家好,我是你们的音乐女神灵筱。”(Hello everyone, I am your music goddess, Ling Xiao.)

主持人“今天是新歌的发布会,想问一下灵筱,这首歌是什么风格的歌?”(Today is the new song release conference, I would like to ask Ling Xiao, what style of song is this new song?)

灵筱“和之前的歌是一样的风格,也是之前歌的后续吧。”(It is the same style as the previous songs and is also the follow-up to the previous songs.)

主持人“哇哦,很期待啊。”(Wow, I'm looking forward to it.)

主持人“之前,新歌专辑的封面透露出来了,引起了网友热议。”(Before, the cover of the new song album was revealed, causing hot discussion among netizens.)

主持人“网友们发现你的专辑封面有亲笔签名,有两个是你自己的签名,还有一个好像不是你的签名吧。”(Netizens found that your album cover has an autograph, two are your own, and one seems not to be your signature.)

灵筱“是的,确实有一个不是我的签名,写的也不是我的名字。”(Yes, there is indeed one that is not my signature and that is not my name.)

主持人“那那个名字是谁呢?”(Who is that name?)

灵筱“那是我心中的他。”(That's him in my heart.)

主持人“那接下来,我们也不多问什么了,今天是11月24日是平安夜,听说新歌会在晚上11.24分上线。”(Then, we won't ask much more. Today is November 24, Christmas Eve, and I heard that the new song will be launched at 11.24.)

灵筱“这首新歌是送给粉丝的圣诞礼物,也祝你们平平安安,平安夜快乐 。”(This new song is a Christmas present for fans. I also wish you peace and happiness on Christmas Eve.)

主持人“看来,女神也很用心的啊,谢谢女神,让我们回到休息室继续采访音乐女神。”(It seems that the Goddess is also very attentive. Thank you, Goddess. Let's go back to the lounge to continue interviewing the Goddess of Music.)

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