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人都有各自的耿耿于怀Everyone has their own grievances.

春风回暖,人间日常,所幸有光,总会相逢。Spring breeze warm, human daily, fortunately, there is light, always meet.

无人问津也好,技不如人也罢,你要试着安静下来,做自己该做的事,而不是让烦躁焦虑毁掉你。No one cares, no one knows, but you have to try to calm down and do what you need to do, instead of letting irritability and anxiety destroy you.

被愛當然很好,沒有也沒關係It's nice to be loved, and it's okay not to be loved.

风停在窗边,嘱咐你要热爱这个世界The wind stops at the window and tells you to love the world.

有些人遇见即是上上签Some people will sign it when they meet.

销声匿迹是所有告别里最勇敢的To disappear is the bravest farewell of all.

人的内心不种满鲜花就会长满杂草A man's heart is full of weeds if it is not full of flowers.

星星实在太不像眼睛了,但我很好奇第一个把星星比作眼睛的人究竟在期待谁的注视The stars too unlike the eyes, but I'm curious what on earth are the first to compare the stars to eyes looking forward to who gaze.

这漫长又精彩的一生,我只想和你慢慢过完,让每一份回忆都在旧日的尘埃下闪闪发亮This long and wonderful life, I just want to and you slowly after, let every memories shining under the old dust.

.突然在某一刻,你有没有很想回到某年某月的某天Suddenly in a moment, have you ever wanted to return to once upon a day.

出发总是美丽的,尤其是在一个阳光普照的清晨上路Departure is always beautiful, especially in a sunny morning on the road.

.对钟爱的世界道一句晚安,日月星辰,山水风光To the world of love a good night, moon and stars, landscapes.

祝有人喝了酒,眼睛闪闪给你讲浪漫和爱I wish someone drank wine, flashing eyes give you romance and love.

夜暗方显万颗星,灯明始见一缕尘The night is dark side show star, light see a wisp of dust.

我吹过你吹过的风,那我们算不算相拥Haven't I seen you blow the wind that blows, then we count hug to each other.

经过了兜兜转转的重逢是场浪漫After reunion was a romantic cruise on the around the city.


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