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噼里啪啦噼里啪啦,咻咻咻崩崩崩,过年了Crackle, crackle, crackle, crack, crack, New Year's!

我把年轮写进日历 我把2020也交给你I'll put the rings in the calendar and I'll give you 2020.

如果我能拥有超能力,就把你心里的暗角点亮,把怪兽打跑,再偷偷塞点糖果进去If I can have super ability, light up the dark corner of your heart, beat the monster away, and then sneak some candy in.

新年愿望:雪花变成爆米花,有人赚钱给我花New Year's wish: Snowflake becomes popcorn, someone makes money to give me flowers.

凡是过往,皆为序章。眉目舒展,顺祝冬安All the past is a preface. Eyebrow stretch, Shun wish winter.

想如果遇见你需要花光我所有运气 那请你离我远一点 我今晚要打牌If it takes all my luck to meet you, please stay away from me. I'm playing cards tonight.

新的一年,愿日子如熹光,温柔又安详。你我赤诚且勇敢,欣喜也在望。爱的人,都喜乐如常。盼的事,都归于心上In the new year, may the days be gentle and serene like the dawn. You and I are honest and brave, and joy is in sight. Those who love are happy as usual. All the things I look forward to are in my heart.

希望开心与好运奔向我,我们撞个满怀May happiness and good luck run to me and we bump into each other.

岁末将至,敬颂冬绥,平安喜乐,万事胜意The end of the year is approaching, praise the winter Sui, peace and happiness, everything wins Italy.

万物更新,旧疾当愈,长安常安All things are renewed, old diseases are healed, and Changan is safe.

错过了秋枫和冬雪,会迎来春天的樱花吧。所有的遗憾的,来年一定会实现的Miss the autumn maple and winter snow, will usher in the spring cherry blossoms. All the regrets will come true in the coming year.

除夕夜最热闹的不是春晚 而是大街被爆竹的热气 蒙上薄雾的十里红妆 是觥筹交错之后欢声笑语的一家人 是烟火相对仍然长不大的一群人The most lively thing on New Year's Eve is not the Spring Festival Gala, but the heat of firecrackers on the street, the misty red makeup, the family who laughed and laughed after the cross-cutting of coveted pieces, and the group of people who are relatively small and still grow up with fireworks.

会有始料不及的运气 会有突如其来的惊喜 愿新年 胜旧年There will be unexpected luck and unexpected surprises. May the New Year be better than the old one.

不敢奢求有锦鲤般的运气 但求一切顺顺利利 长路漫漫 未来可期Do not dare to have the luxury of Koi-like luck, but for all smooth, long way to go can be expected in the future.

2021年 2月11是除夕 12是春节 13是初二 14是情人节,这四天要和重要的人一起过,不然就要等九年了2021 February 11 is New Year’s Eve, 12 is Chinese New Year, 13 is the second day, 14 is Valentine’s Day, these four days have to be spent with important people, otherwise it will be nine years

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