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莫然Summer sun is my love for you, 100% all year round


莫然Think about you calmly, feel like it's all so wonderful.


莫然If you wake up in the middle of the night, call me, don't play on your cell phone alone.


莫然I don't know when I started to like you. I just remember when I saw you, I didn't rush home suddenly.


莫然And I'm here to support our children, not to be fair.


莫然My heart is the wind bell hanging on the eaves of the Seventh Tower, exhort to rise and fall, beating a person's name.


莫然Compared with yesterday, my love for you is slightly different from that of Ming Dynasty


莫然Thank you for your being around me, my warmth, my company, thank you for your love, I love you, and always love you.


莫然I love fireworks between people, just you.


莫然Tear force to retain, but heart has not willing performance.


莫然Miss the green plum, avoid the beginning of love, to today, the meaning of life, only with you accompanied by white hair.




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