话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 边总的冷艳妻子2
本书标签: 现代 

Pure entertainment


冷玖琪Ah ~ I'm so tired at work!

冷玖琪Let's give it to Yana and them! I want to Go out to play!

冷玖琪Yanna, Shu Yue



冷玖琪I'll leave the matter here to you. Goodbye

Cold nine qi said and ran out

阎娜Hey !

舒悦Hey ~ there's more good work ~

阎娜Just accept my fate.

舒悦That's true, but we can't be the only ones who suffer. Don't you think so?

ShuYue meaningful said

阎娜Oh~of course.

After a few minutes ……

夏辰萧So you called the four of us here, because of this?

阎娜Oh, come on, everybody's here. Help us! Too much work

缇兰Hey Alright

凌落烟Uh-huh, my vacation isn't over yet!

安格穆OK, after work, I will go to the boss and say that I will give you a holiday

安格穆Be good. Um


It's for fun

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